Islam is the Religion of Pinheads!

The entire 1st post is judgmental..."Muslims disavow Christianity, and are intolerant of it completely, just as the liberal scum who want to take prayer out of school and God out of the public square"...

Dixie has no self-awareness whatsoever.
So, now you speak for when Christ would shit? What exactly are Christians doing in His name, that you think Jesus would be upset with? This is another one of your typical slaps at something, with no real basis or reason. You do not speak for Christ, and you have no idea of what Jesus would or wouldn't be happy with or upset about, were he here on Earth today.

I can't speak for other religions, but in Christianity, there is no 'hocus pocus'. The doctrine followed by Christians, is 2,000 years old, and consistently brings the same message through history. Being a Christian is as simple as accepting Christ as your personal savior, and the Son of God. There is no hocus pocus to that, if you truly believe it, you are promised everlasting life.

It's always good to hear from a lost soul, on what they think Jesus would say or do, but your responses are incredibly transparent and lacking substance. I doubt many Christians are going to read your post, and suddenly realize you are right about religion, and forsake their faith in God, so I wonder why you go to the trouble? From my perspective, it is merely lashing out in anger at God, for whatever reasons you must have. I will pray for you, and I hope you do find salvation someday.

"It's always good to hear from a lost soul, on what they think Jesus would say or do, but your responses are incredibly transparent and lacking substance."

Is this something Jesus would SAY or do?

DIXIE, June 2005: “Since the (2004) election, the rhetoric has continued, the conspiracy theories have increased, the hate and vile has been turned up a notch, and the Democratic leadership is literally aiding and abetting the enemy with its blather!…”

I am going to tell you something Liberals, and you need to take heed... this country is getting sick and tired of this shit, and we are not going to just keep taking it. If you want to push it to the very end, you will find yourself looking down the barrel of an AK-47 one day, because Americans will eventually take this matter into their own hands.

When you have pushed it to that point, there will be no turning back, you won't be able to go on TV with a non-appologetic statement and make it all go away anymore. It will be far too late for you to "get along" with us, we will have had our fill of your shit, and you will be defeated just like we defeated alQaeda and the Taliban! Don't read this as a threat, read it as the reality of what is going to happen if you don't stop assisting the enemy and trying to destroy America in your zeal to shame Bush! We had an election, and WE SPOKE! You BETTER LISTEN!…..

(Bush) ought to call out the National Guard and round you fucktards up and send YOU to Gitmo! You are costing us lives, and in your blind ignorance, you refuse to shut your piehole and stop trying to turn this into Vietnam all over again! In my opinion, you are as bad as AlJazerah, or the vermin from France who support the maggots! You don't want us to WIN this war, and you're fucking bound and determined to prevent it if you can! You've made it all about Bush, and virtually ANYTHING INCLUDING TREASON is justified to you, if it means smearing him! What a bunch of pathetic scum!….
From the 1st time I saw Dixie post, I realized that he truly exemplified the old adage "a little knowledge can be a dangerous thing." On this thread, as soon as I read "I've been doing a little research on the Muslim faith," I knew we were in for trouble. Emphasis on the word "little" in that sentence.

And Dixie, you are no more a Christian than I am a Muslim. If Christ were alive today & you didn't recognize him, you'd call him a pinhead & try to convince him that invading Iraq was the right decision...

Dix learned all his Muslim knowledge from rush and coulter ;)
The entire 1st post is judgmental..."Muslims disavow Christianity, and are intolerant of it completely, just as the liberal scum who want to take prayer out of school and God out of the public square"...

Dixie has no self-awareness whatsoever.

I think Dix has said the same thing before, he just replaced Muslim with Liberal ;)
To the neo's one size fits all for those who disagree with them.

It is about as complex of a resoloution as they can handle.
Dix, I quit cut and paste mentality in first or second grade.
Dixie, you are completely missing the point.

Religion itself is for idiots. Anyone who doesn't have the mental and moral strength to cope with the nihilistic reality of existence acts pretty much like a child.

Islam is just one amongst many options for these scared little children to find soma.

Arabic, however, is a fascinating language.

as salaam alay kum!
A true Christian would know and understand this, and you apparently don't.

Ah, the 'No True Scotsman' defense.

No true Christian would act barbarically.

But Christians in Africa hack off Muslims arms....

Ah, but they're not true Christians...


al hamdu lil-laah!
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I was wondering why you had not spoken up on this thread yet AnyOld.

I am still waiting on God to ask me for money, and where to send it...
Although I still have trouble figuring out why someone like God would need money, but then he does us substandard paving stones in heaven ;)
Hey USC!

Been a bit busy lately...

God is a very insecure individual, who requires his creations worship him. Annoy him and he'll put you through hell....

He sounds like my ex girlfriend!
Yeah , I never understood why an all powerful God would need the worship of puny humans.

Insecurity... small penis probably... :)
Actually I think it is like dixie's predictions. You have to look at it in a mirror while hanging upside down to decipher it.
Humans (most of them) need to worship something, God, if such a being exists needs no worship. just my opinion though.
Humans (most of them) need to worship something, God, if such a being exists needs no worship. just my opinion though.

Well, god is a human creation, so its obvious that we would transfer our little faults to our invented superman....

That's why god resembles a MEern local despot, like Saddam.....
Yeah he did resemble Sadam, according to the old testament. The Ark was a WMD

Good job there's no oil in heaven, else we'd be shock and awing the pearly gates..... :)
And he paves his streets with gold. that is far too soft and will not hold up very well.
hmm do I see some human influence here. It seems to me that god would need no gold either....
And he paves his streets with gold. that is far too soft and will not hold up very well.
hmm do I see some human influence here. It seems to me that god would need no gold either....

Everything about god is anthropomorphic....
Anthropomorphism is the transfering of human characteristics to non-human things, like dressing monkeys in dinner jackets.... :)