Is There a Revolution Coming? Americans Finally Realize Global Capitalism Is a Murder


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Popular revulsion for the ruling elite is nearly universal. Are we going to see an uprising?

Zero chance of revolution
The poor either don't care
Or want to be rich

The revolution will not come until the day arrives that the government can no longer pay its protection money to the country's inner-city mafias in the form of EBT, Medicaid, Section 8 Housing, ad infinitum....

Like we've done all around the world, we've also managed to buy a peace within our own borders. The truce lasts only as long as we can finance it.
The revolution will not come until the day arrives that the government can no longer pay its protection money to the country's inner-city mafias in the form of EBT, Medicaid, Section 8 Housing, ad infinitum....

Like we've done all around the world, we've also managed to buy a peace within our own borders. The truce lasts only as long as we can finance it.
You great grand kids will have enough
"The refusal by the corporate state to address even the minimal grievances of the citizenry, along with the abject failure to remedy the mounting state repression, the chronic unemployment and underemployment, the massive debt peonage that is crippling more than half of Americans, and the loss of hope and widespread despair, means that blowback is inevitable."


Guess they should never have voted for Obama...
Zero chance of revolution
The poor either don't care
Or want to be rich

Well, the poor buggers are dead then, like all the ordinary people. The vampires are setting up a caste society where they own everything, a system that won't work and kills everyone else. Mugs!
the revolution has begun.

It wont need bullets and guns.

We have so many people who can vote in their own interests and KNOW how the right cheats that we are about to overcome their cheating for real.

They will never again be able to cheat the people out of their choice to run things.

If people had known about the cheating before ( yeah left wing media ITS CORPORATE) then this would have happened decades ago.

Now the cheaters dont have a chance.

Do you wonder WHY Rove was lying about how much robmoney would win by?

To cover for what he thought the cheating people out of their votes would get them.

to bad for him people figured it out and stood in line forever to vote.

The right in this country is done.

No more big elections for you by cheating
the revolution has begun.

It wont need bullets and guns.

We have so many people who can vote in their own interests and KNOW how the right cheats that we are about to overcome their cheating for real.

They will never again be able to cheat the people out of their choice to run things.

If people had known about the cheating before ( yeah left wing media ITS CORPORATE) then this would have happened decades ago.

Now the cheaters dont have a chance.

Do you wonder WHY Rove was lying about how much robmoney would win by?

To cover for what he thought the cheating people out of their votes would get them.

to bad for him people figured it out and stood in line forever to vote.

The right in this country is done.

No more big elections for you by cheating

You claim to be a capitalist yet thank a post claiming a revolution is coming against capitalism?
dear fool,

its not against capitalism

Its against the people who have subverted democracy by CHEATING their way into office.
so you idiots claim that stopping assholes from cheating people out of their vote is anticapitalistic?

your fucking crazy
dear fool,

its not against capitalism

Its against the people who have subverted democracy by CHEATING their way into office.

Did you actually read the article? Yes it is against capitalism and no it's not about cheating. This article is speaking out against DEMOCRATS as well as Republicans. It's speaking out against the corporate structure of which the Democrats are a part of. In fact they are almost speaking out more against Democrats because they say Democrats speak the language of the people then govern the opposite.

Don't be calling others fools and idiots when you yourself have zero ability to comprehend what this article is saying.
Did you actually read the article? Yes it is against capitalism and no it's not about cheating. This article is speaking out against DEMOCRATS as well as Republicans. It's speaking out against the corporate structure of which the Democrats are a part of. In fact they are almost speaking out more against Democrats because they say Democrats speak the language of the people then govern the opposite.

Don't be calling others fools and idiots when you yourself have zero ability to comprehend what this article is saying.


In her mind everything has to do with voter cheating. Just ignore the fact that a democrat is president and they are in charge of the senate.
Did you actually read the article? Yes it is against capitalism and no it's not about cheating. This article is speaking out against DEMOCRATS as well as Republicans. It's speaking out against the corporate structure of which the Democrats are a part of. In fact they are almost speaking out more against Democrats because they say Democrats speak the language of the people then govern the opposite.

Don't be calling others fools and idiots when you yourself have zero ability to comprehend what this article is saying.
I'm bumping this for you Desh.
Popular revulsion for the ruling elite is nearly universal. Are we going to see an uprising?


I prefer the piecemeal and incremental reforms of a functioning democracy. I prefer a system in which our social institutions permit the citizenry to nonviolently dismiss those in authority. I prefer a system in which institutions are independent and not captive to corporate power. But we do not live in such a system.

this is in the 9th paragraph