Is The Worm Turning?


Is this just an isolated incident? Or is it, perhaps, an indication that the culture war is being won? Only time will tell . . .

KINGSBURG, California (AP) -- KFYE-FM hasn't budged from the Fresno-area dial, but it's about as far as you can get from the Christian music, sermons and Bible stories it was broadcasting until about a week ago.

Now it calls itself "Porn Radio" -- "all sex radio, all the time," with a suggestion that people under 21 not listen.

No way.

That's the bible-belt of california. Those people are never going to give up on waiting for the rapture.
Speaking of the rapture, my brother and I used to work for this full on evangelical clown. He would leave chick tracts on our desks in an attempt to save us. He told us that if he were the president, he would kill anyone that didn;t support israel, and the he'd give gays one chance to repent, and if he didn't, he'd have them killed as well. Weird thing, he was a nice guy.

Anyhow, me and Andy decided to leave our cars running with our clothes in the drivers seat of the car, door open and a cup of coffee spilled outside the car. We were feigning like we got raptured, and Peterson got pissed! He was so pissed.

Ah well, I can see why. I moved to Denver a couple of weeks later.
Beefy said:
Speaking of the rapture, my brother and I used to work for this full on evangelical clown. He would leave chick tracts on our desks in an attempt to save us. He told us that if he were the president, he would kill anyone that didn;t support israel, and the he'd give gays one chance to repent, and if he didn't, he'd have them killed as well. Weird thing, he was a nice guy.
You worked for Brent? :eek:

My mother's third husband -- shut your pie hole, Brent -- is a priest in an Anglican schismatic church. An exceedingly conservative schismatic group. I mean, this is the guy who thought Ronnie Raygun was a dangerous liberal. He was serious, too. If, by some nightmarish convergence of supernatural forces beyond human ken, he ever woke up as President, not only would he have everyone who didn't support Israel rounded up, he'd do everything in his power to make protesting a capital offense, voting Democrat a capital offense, writing letters to the editor that are critical of the government a capital offense . . . well, he's fond of capital offenses.

And, oddly enough, he's a really nice guy. In person only, but he is. It has to do with an astoundingly irrational double standard. People in the abstract -- people whom he doesn't know personally -- are subject to an entirely different set of rules than are people he does know. Especially family, of course.
Speaking of the rapture, my brother and I used to work for this full on evangelical clown. He would leave chick tracts on our desks in an attempt to save us. He told us that if he were the president, he would kill anyone that didn;t support israel, and the he'd give gays one chance to repent, and if he didn't, he'd have them killed as well. Weird thing, he was a nice guy.

Anyhow, me and Andy decided to leave our cars running with our clothes in the drivers seat of the car, door open and a cup of coffee spilled outside the car. We were feigning like we got raptured, and Peterson got pissed! He was so pissed.

Ah well, I can see why. I moved to Denver a couple of weeks later.

great story beefy