Condi has never run for political office, and the presidency is not the one to get your feet wet on. Sure, I suppose you can say, it has been done... Ike did it, but he was a national hero at the time. Not to take anything away from Condi, but half of the country would love to see her fail. It's a different age than Eisenhower, and Condi is not Eisenhower. I just can't see her running a flawless presidential campaign and winning the white house.
To the question of race, or gender, I don't think that matters to America, if it's the right person for the job. I think Colin Powell could have won in a landslide against Clinton. I think Hillary might very well be the next president, she is certainly a contender. The fact that people are talking about Condi in the same breath as the Presidency, is evidence that America is not as divided as some might think. I can honestly see the case, where the first black president is also the first woman president, but I think it will have to be a person who transcends all the typical stereotypes and prejudice.