Is the Middle Dead


Is the middle and are moderates a thing of the past?
I think not, I still believe Most Americans do not belong to the Far Right or Left. Most are silent but push them too far and I believe you might see a Revolt, it just might not work out the way you think.
So, voice your opinion if can you have view points from Both sides or is it ALL OR NOTHING?
Is the middle and are moderates a thing of the past?
I think not, I still believe Most Americans do not belong to the Far Right or Left. Most are silent but push them too far and I believe you might see a Revolt, it just might not work out the way you think.
So, voice your opinion if can you have view points from Both sides or is it ALL OR NOTHING?

Don't agree. Being a centrist does not make one's politics correct.
Is the middle and are moderates a thing of the past?
I think not, I still believe Most Americans do not belong to the Far Right or Left. Most are silent but push them too far and I believe you might see a Revolt, it just might not work out the way you think.
So, voice your opinion if can you have view points from Both sides or is it ALL OR NOTHING?

Let the left push just a little more and everybody is going to roar.
It's a powderkeg right now.
Is the middle and are moderates a thing of the past?
I think not, I still believe Most Americans do not belong to the Far Right or Left. Most are silent but push them too far and I believe you might see a Revolt, it just might not work out the way you think.
So, voice your opinion if can you have view points from Both sides or is it ALL OR NOTHING?

The 'Middle' is vanishing.
The 'Investing Class' is doing great. Notice the Stock Market?
The 'Worker Drone Class' is getting attacked from all sides. Automation taking their Jobs, ... Outsourcing taking their Jobs, ... even the Elites of the Democrat Party adopting the 'Saudi Plan' of importing 'Third World Labor' to replace them. I can see the frustration. They're in a 'No-Win' predicament.
The 'Middle' is vanishing.
The 'Investing Class' is doing great. Notice the Stock Market?
The 'Worker Drone Class' is getting attacked from all sides. Automation taking their Jobs, ... Outsourcing taking their Jobs, ... even the Elites of the Democrat Party adopting the 'Saudi Plan' of importing 'Third World Labor' to replace them. I can see the frustration. They're in a 'No-Win' predicament.

Thanks for the input, I will look into that and get back to ya.
Thanks for the input, I will look into that and get back to ya.

Not really that much to 'look into'. You see what the Stock Market is doing. You see Wall Street cheering as the Market keeps going UP.
'Main Street' ... the 'Worker Drone Class' is in trouble.

Did you ever see that Movie 'ChinaTown'? The plot is based around 'water'. And the key phrase is "If you can't get the water to L.A. ... then get L.A. to the water". Meaning the surrounding rural area had water for it's agriculture businesses, but the City didn't have enough drinkable water for it's growing metropolitan population. The fight was over bringing more water from the rural areas into L.A.. The Solution, as the phrase tells you, is to 'incorporate' the surrounding area into Los Angeles, ... bringing the 'water' under City control.

Same mentality is being used by Corporate America and it's desire for Cheap Labor. "If you can't Outsource your Production to Third World Labor, then ... Insource the Third World Labor to your Production".

"Immigrants make up nearly 40% of the industry’s roughly 470,000 workers, with higher concentrations in states like South Dakota, where they are 58% of workers, and Nebraska, where they’re 66%, according to the nonprofit Migration Policy Institute. Estimates on those who entered the country illegally or overstayed their visas vary from 14% to the majority at some plants."

"U.S. meatpacking industry relies on immigrant workers. But a labor shortage looms"
"BIG PAIN" will recreate the willingness to work together to get the work done.

And also teach people the importance of honesty.

And of not being cruel.

A National Infrastructure Program would help. High Unemployment. Low Interest Rates. Now is the Time.

To build what? The FDR style works projects won't work for the same reason former pipeline workers aren't going to code or make solar panels. Any project we really need, and I think we do need some, will require workers who are not currently unemployed.
Is the middle and are moderates a thing of the past?
I think not, I still believe Most Americans do not belong to the Far Right or Left. Most are silent but push them too far and I believe you might see a Revolt, it just might not work out the way you think.
So, voice your opinion if can you have view points from Both sides or is it ALL OR NOTHING?

No, not really. The problem lies in the unique nature of US party politics. Until that changes, there will continue to be difficulties.

The problem here is that there are just two entrenched parties in America. As these two parties increasingly become minority parties and move to the extremes of the political spectrum internally, moderates and the Center will be forced to choose between two increasingly unpalatable choices for most political offices. So long as third parties are all but locked out of elections by onerous rules and restrictions on their participation, this will likely continue--at least until the majority in the middle gets fed up with one or both of the major parties sufficiently to just let it get crushed in several elections.

It might well happen sooner if the Democrats continue to push for a one-party control of the federal government by changing the rules in their favor too.
Only to people like you who live in anger and hate.

No, more like regular Americans who plainly see through the bullshit.
If you didn't want anger, maybe you should not have pissed off a supermajority of Americans by cheating a National election (which should be a hanging offense) . Just sayin' :dunno:
Only to people like you who live in anger and hate.

That fraud no longer works after we have seen extreme leftist anger and hate on the streets almost every night for most of the last year.

Have you a different lie that works better?