APP - Is the democrat party in a hole?



Now I know all of the attention has been focused on the GOP and the recent shutdown, but given that Obamacare passed with ZERO republican votes, they own it lock stock and barrel.

Now, I know typically the left will say that I am posting a link from a "right wing" site, but National Journal is hardly a harbinger for conservative thought and Ron Fournier is hardly the next coming of Breitbart.

When s democrat party strategist is whispering to Fournier are things really that bad?

The short answer is "no". Obamacare is a debacle, but it's absolutely nothing compared to the idiocy of the Tea Party, the government shutdown, and 5 years of blind obstructionism. The democrats are still looking better than the elephants across the board, and the only people who don't think so are suckling from the ignorance-inducing teat of Fox News and the conservative masturbation media machine.
The short answer is "no". Obamacare is a debacle, but it's absolutely nothing compared to the idiocy of the Tea Party, the government shutdown, and 5 years of blind obstructionism. The democrats are still looking better than the elephants across the board, and the only people who don't think so are suckling from the ignorance-inducing teat of Fox News and the conservative masturbation media machine.

Five years of obstructionism? Obama had a Democrat majority for his first two years. But again, Democrats are uninformed and historically clueless.

Equally amusing is this notion that Obama could not get his agenda passed. He got everything he wanted, particularly Obamascare and a massive pork laden $850 billion spending bill that did NOTHING to improve the job situation in this country.

The only surprise here is that brain dead Democrat excuse makers no longer blame Bush, it's all the TEA party's fault Obama is such a failure. Why if not for them, Obama could have spent another $500 billion he doesn't have with the incredibly dense belief that $500 will now do what $850 billion couldn't.

Yes, Obama and Democrats really are THAT incredibly stupid.
It's the Democratic Party. People might take you seriously if you stopped being so deliberately ignorant.
What I find the most interesting about this discussion on Obamacare is the fact it is the insurance companies not living up to their contract with participants. The only reason they are dropping people is because their policy was shat. And can anyone, anyone, tell me a republican who complained about dropped policies or excessive prices before the ACA? No, I wonder why.
What I find the most interesting about this discussion on Obamacare is the fact it is the insurance companies not living up to their contract with participants.

How is that? If Insurance companies are in breach of their contracts, they can be sued can't they?

Who has been forced to sign a contract with insurers prior to Obamacare?

The only reason they are dropping people is because their policy was shat.

This is a fabrication; but I am all eyes and ears for your evidence to the contrary.

And can anyone, anyone, tell me a republican who complained about dropped policies or excessive prices before the ACA? No, I wonder why.

Apparently you were not listening or seeing; many Republicans have offered free market solutions to some of the issues we face with health insurance; but myopic closed minded leftist Democrats didn’t care. They want Universal single payer system and they will lie, cheat, obfuscate and undermine the Constitution to get there.

You can find this stuff on your own; but first you must open your mind and eyes.

Here are a few of the ideas you missed:

IN PROGRESS: On January 20, 2011, the House passed H. Res. 9, a resolution instructing House committees to develop legislation replacing the job-killing health care law. Committees are currently doing their work to hold hearings and examine solutions to lower costs, increase access to quality care, and strengthen the doctor-patient relationship.
Vote Result • Text of the Resolution

Enact Medical Liability Reform
Skyrocketing medical liability insurance rates have distorted the practice of medicine, routinely forcing doctors to order costly and often unnecessary tests to protect themselves from lawsuits, often referred to as "defensive medicine." We will enact common-sense medical liability reforms to lower costs, rein in junk lawsuits and curb defensive medicine.

Purchase Health Insurance across State Lines
Americans residing in a state with expensive health insurance plans are locked into those plans and do not currently have an opportunity to choose a lower cost option that best meets their needs. We will allow individuals to buy health care coverage outside of the state in which they live.

Expand Health Savings Accounts
Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) are popular savings accounts that provide costeffective health insurance to those who might otherwise go uninsured. We will improve HSAs by making it easier for patients with high-deductible health plans to use them to obtain access to quality care. We will repeal the new health care law, which prevents the use of these savings accounts to purchase over-the-counter medicine.

Ensure Access for Patients with Pre-Existing Conditions
Health care should be accessible for all, regardless of pre-existing conditions or past illnesses. We will expand state high-risk pools, reinsurance programs and reduce the cost of coverage. We will make it illegal for an insurance company to deny coverage to someone with prior coverage on the basis of a pre-existing condition, eliminate annual and lifetime spending caps, and prevent insurers from dropping your coverage just because you get sick. We will incentivize states to develop innovative programs that lower premiums and reduce the number of uninsured Americans.

Permanently Prohibit Taxpayer Funding of Abortion
We will establish a government-wide prohibition on taxpayer funding of abortion and subsidies for insurance coverage that includes abortion. This prohibition would go further and enact into law what is known as the Hyde Amendment as well as ban other instances of federal subsidies for abortion services. We will also enact into law conscience protections for health care providers, including doctors, nurses, and hospitals.
Five years of obstructionism? Obama had a Democrat majority for his first two years. But again, Democrats are uninformed and historically clueless.

And this somehow prevents republicans from being obstructionist?

If I didn't believe firmly in Hanlon's Razor, I'd accuse you of being deliberately deceitful and manipulative -- but because I do, I have to conclude that yes, you really are THAT stupid.

Equally amusing is this notion that Obama could not get his agenda passed. He got everything he wanted, particularly Obamascare and a massive pork laden $850 billion spending bill that did NOTHING to improve the job situation in this country.

I've already posted the CBO analysis that disproves this statement, and you did nothing to offer any counter-argument in that thread. Nor will you in this thread, because you're a lazy ass who has no idea how to have a debate.
And this somehow prevents republicans from being obstructionist?

Obstructing what? Obama got everything he wanted his first two years in office?

If you get your talking points from leftist blogs; you just might be a low information voter.

If I didn't believe firmly in Hanlon's Razor, I'd accuse you of being deliberately deceitful and manipulative -- but because I do, I have to conclude that yes, you really are THAT stupid.

The only one being obtuse and deliberately deceitful are idiots like you who parrot the dimwitted DNC meme that Republicans are “obstructionists” while claiming that all the things Obama did are working. Are you too stupid to comprehend what that means?

I've already posted the CBO analysis that disproves this statement, and you did nothing to offer any counter-argument in that thread. Nor will you in this thread,

I am amused that you think that the CBO can get anything right. Historically all of the CBO’s claims have been proved to be failures and yet here you are, ignoring unemployment rates, deficits and malaise claiming that the CBO’s claims prove that the massive $850 billion pork laden UNFUNDED spending bill somehow made the economy better.

One has to be living in a parallel universe to make such claims and then, claim that the ONLY reason things are so bad, is because of Republican obstructionism.

Yes, you really are THAT dumb.

Want some facts?

REAL unemployment:
According to John Williams, an economist known for asserting the government reports manipulated “shadow statistics” of economic data for political purposes, the real unemployment rate for July 2013 was 23.3 percent, not the 7.4 percent reported by the Bureau of Labor Statistics.


In August 2013, the widely-reported unemployment rate was 7.3%, while the real unemployment rate was 13.7%. Here's how to calculate it.

Current GDP growth:
Q4 2012 GDP: .1% (.4% in 2012 estimate)

Job participation rate:
At Obama’s election: 66.2 million
Current: 63.2 million equating to a loss in labor force of 3.788 million jobs.

Now I don’t know how anyone with the mental capacity beyond a lemming can believe that spending $850 billion that the Government didn’t have somehow equated to job creation.

But equally retarded is the meme that Republican obstructionists are preventing job growth by not allowing Obama to spend another $550 billion on the retarded claims that $550 billion will now do what $850 billion failed to do.

That is just retarded; but that is what dimwits like you are desperately trying to claim.

It’s official; you’re an idiot of epic proportions.

… because you're a lazy ass who has no idea how to have a debate.

Wrong again dimwit; lazy asses are people like you who substitute thinking with cut and pastes from leftist blogs.

Yes, you really are THAT stupid.
Obstructing what? Obama got everything he wanted his first two years in office?

So now they're only being obstructionist if they succeed? That's like saying the guy with the shoe bomb isn't a terrorist because he didn't actually blow up the plane.

If you get your talking points from leftist blogs; you just might be a low information voter.

The only one being obtuse and deliberately deceitful are idiots like you who parrot the dimwitted DNC meme that Republicans are “obstructionists” while claiming that all the things Obama did are working. Are you too stupid to comprehend what that means?

Let's assume for a moment that I'm not. Do you have the actual research and debate skills necessary to put together a coherent argument in support of your above thesis? Or are you just a lazy ass who calls everything he doesn't like 'stupid'? Let's find out...

I am amused that you think that the CBO can get anything right. Historically all of the CBO’s claims have been proved to be failures

You really have no idea what words like "all" mean, do you?

and yet here you are, ignoring unemployment rates, deficits and malaise claiming that the CBO’s claims prove that the massive $850 billion pork laden UNFUNDED spending bill somehow made the economy better.

From the above link:
The CBO Analyzes It's Own Claims On the ARRA vs. What Actually Happened said:
Most of ARRA’s effects on federal spending and revenues have now occurred, and they have been roughly in line with the original estimates prepared by CBO and the staff of the Joint Committee on Taxation (JCT) at the time the legislation was considered by the Congress in early 2009.

CBO has closely monitored actual spending under ARRA for the past four years to help determine where the agency’s estimates of outlays and the timing of such outlays were too high or too low—both in total and for individual years and programs. Through fiscal year 2012, the outlays resulting from ARRA totaled $555 billion, about $36 billion (or 6.5 percent) above CBO’s original estimate of $519 billion for the 2009–2012 period. (Additional spending will occur over the next several years. In addition, JCT estimated that ARRA would reduce federal revenues by about $210 billion over 10 years, with most of that impact falling in 2009 and 2010.) The modest underestimate in spending under ARRA is accounted for by provisions related to unemployment insurance, nutrition assistance, and refundable tax credits; those costs were boosted by the weaker-than-expected economic recovery. Other spending from ARRA was a bit below CBO’s original estimate.

So, let's see, the CBO actually measured the effects of the stimulus, and found that spending was 6.5% higher than they expected, and revenues were about what they expected. So, how are you going to try to spin the actual numbers, Truth Defector?

REAL unemployment:
According to John Williams, an economist known for asserting the government reports manipulated “shadow statistics” of economic data for political purposes, the real unemployment rate for July 2013 was 23.3 percent, not the 7.4 percent reported by the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

I'm well aware. Doesn't change the fact that without ARRA, we would provably have had even worse unemployment than that.

Now I don’t know how anyone with the mental capacity beyond a lemming can believe that spending $850 billion that the Government didn’t have somehow equated to job creation.

By actually going to look real numbers up instead of citing irrelevant but alarming statistics and then shouting at them?

Of course the economy didn't instantly magically recover just because Obama waved a stimulus wand at it -- but it's been mathematically proven by many different number-crunchers that without ARRA, millions fewer people would have been working between 2008 and 2010. It's precisely that kind of ignorant bait-and-switch that makes me want to accuse you of being deceitful and manipulative -- but you really are just too stupid to actually come up with an argument that reeks of that level of competence.
The short answer is "no". Obamacare is a debacle, but it's absolutely nothing compared to the idiocy of the Tea Party, the government shutdown, and 5 years of blind obstructionism. The democrats are still looking better than the elephants across the board, and the only people who don't think so are suckling from the ignorance-inducing teat of Fox News and the conservative masturbation media machine.

Well, if you are a lover of all things government, I can see how the shut down was painful for you. But, I did ask repeatedly on this forum how many people were personally impacted by the shutdown and got nothing.

As for the "obstructionism", since when is the job of the opposing party to go along with their political opponents?

I am sure you think back fondly of those days gone by when the democrats were giving Bush everything he wanted. Ahhhh, the good ole days, huh?
Well, if you are a lover of all things government, I can see how the shut down was painful for you. But, I did ask repeatedly on this forum how many people were personally impacted by the shutdown and got nothing.

As for the "obstructionism", since when is the job of the opposing party to go along with their political opponents?

I am sure you think back fondly of those days gone by when the democrats were giving Bush everything he wanted. Ahhhh, the good ole days, huh?

It is amusing watching Democrat hypocrites rant about politicians doing the "people's" business; amazing how politicians weren't doing the "people's" business when Republicans were in charge.

But the irony here is that when a Democrat is in the White House, the opposition is obstructionist, but when it is a Republican the opposition is patriotic.

Here's the big liar and hypocrite herself:

I quote: "I am sick and tired of people who say that if you debate and you disagree with this administration somehow you're not patriotic. We should stand up and say we are Americans and we have a right to debate and disagree with any administration."

Funny what a Democrat win in a Presidential election will do to their talking points isn't it?