APP - Is Obama breaking the law?


Recently HHS Secretary Sebelius said this

“This is no longer a political debate; this is what we call the law,” Sebelius told a group that includes Democrats and Republicans, elected officials, political appointees and bureaucrats. “It was passed and signed three years ago. It was upheld by the Supreme Court a year ago. The president was re-elected. This is the law of the land.”

So if it is the law of the land, shouldn't it be implemented according to the law of the land? By not implementing and delaying is Obama breaking the law? Are there provisions in the law stating the President can hold off implementation at his whimsy?
whether he's breaking the law or not is not a question for us. it's a question for congress. they are the only ones that can hold him accountable. our political system is so corrupt, they will not do so.
whether he's breaking the law or not is not a question for us. it's a question for congress. they are the only ones that can hold him accountable. our political system is so corrupt, they will not do so.

Well, I agree, but surely it is clear that he is breaking the law. The law is written by Congress and signed by him. They put these mandates in place. He doesn't have the authority to just implement what he wants when he wants.

I know he fancies himself as an emperor. I also don't expect his adoring flock to criticize him.
Recently HHS Secretary Sebelius said this

“This is no longer a political debate; this is what we call the law,” Sebelius told a group that includes Democrats and Republicans, elected officials, political appointees and bureaucrats. “It was passed and signed three years ago. It was upheld by the Supreme Court a year ago. The president was re-elected. This is the law of the land.”

So if it is the law of the land, shouldn't it be implemented according to the law of the land? By not implementing and delaying is Obama breaking the law? Are there provisions in the law stating the President can hold off implementation at his whimsy?

Do you understand the definition and or function of executive?

Congress makes the laws, the executive signs them, then figures out a way to implement them successfully. Have you been watching Bill O'Reilly again?
Do you understand the definition and or function of executive?

Congress makes the laws, the executive signs them, then figures out a way to implement them successfully. Have you been watching Bill O'Reilly again?

That is right. He has to implement them according to the law. He can't arbitrarily delay the implementation of the law without Congress acting.

Cite the precedents. I am sure there are lots of "Bush did it too" stories.
That is right. He has to implement them according to the law. He can't arbitrarily delay the implementation of the law without Congress acting.

Cite the precedents. I am sure there are lots of "Bush did it too" stories.

1. You are correct of course, there are lots of Bush did it too stories. I could not be bothered, sorry. Learn to do your own research, it will make you a much more interesting poster.
2. I understand the definition and role of executive. You, apparently, do not.
That is right. He has to implement them according to the law. He can't arbitrarily delay the implementation of the law without Congress acting.
as evidenced by the last 35 years of apathy and complacency by congress over the wrongdoings of the executive offices, your statement would be incorrect.
Suddenly Obama is held to a higher standard.
Actually, holding him to the same standards as the other presidents were held to is what you reject. Obama presents himself as Lord, God and Master of the law. Our government does not work that way, at least not until he was crowned. He breaks the law while hiding behind the law. It would be funny were it not so serious a criminal breach of his authority and oath of office.