Is David Koch more liberal than Obama?


New member
He is more consistent and strident in his opposition to war, support of gay marriage and support for legalization/decriminalization of drugs.

President Barack Obama would be “dead wrong” to order a military strike against Syria, billionaire political activist David Koch said Friday.

In an exclusive interview with Yahoo News, Koch, who finances several conservative and libertarian political causes, warned that attacking the country would harm the United States' image in the region.

“I do not think we should get involved in attacks on Syria. It’s like putting your head into a hornet’s nest,” Koch told Yahoo News at a conference sponsored by Americans for Prosperity, a conservative advocacy group he backs financially. “You’re going to get shot at from all directions. There’s all this talk about attacking the bad guys in Syria, but whom do you attack? Where do you find the people who put these chemical weapons together, this poisonous gas? To me it’s an impossibility, and we’re just going to generate a huge increase in the hostility to the United States in my opinion.”

The White House has signaled that Obama is still open to launching a “limited” strike against Syria
I guess I was confused when you said "Liberal". There is a difference between a Liberal and a Democrat ya know.

A Liberal is someone more Socialist. A Democrat is someone who believes the people have the power over the government. A Republican is someone who thinks the states governments should have the power over the people.
I guess I was confused when you said "Liberal". There is a difference between a Liberal and a Democrat ya know.

A Liberal is someone more Socialist. A Democrat is someone who believes the people have the power over the government. A Republican is someone who thinks the states governments should have the power over the people.

You need an education. A market liberal is not socialist.

Republican and Democrat are just partisan labels.
Hey Prof you are a right-wing tool, and a racist, Desh said so to both. So maybe work on improving yourself?
This antiparty dude must be about 15 years old.

Democrats believe people should have power over government? LOL WOW, that's gotta be the funniest thing I've read in a while.

A Republican is someone who thinks the states governments should have the power over the people.
Isn't that how the country is structured? California and Oregon defy federal law and make marijuana legal. Totally republicans!

Get an education antiparty. you are one ignorant rube
nope I give him shit for being a Austrian school adherent.

why do you people NEVER support a dem doing what you jump for joy when an R does it.

You smucks all know if this was a R president you would be backing this move and you know it.

They KNOW things that you don't know.

Just like when Clinton went after OBL before 911 and you smucks called it some kind of treason.

then you say Dems are soft on military power.

pretty brick brained of you.

someday you people will KNOW exactly why the admin is making the choice its making.

Then you lie about it.

Obama has nothing to gain by doing this.

you idiots refuse to admit he has nothing to gain.

You instead make of all kinds of crap why he is doing it.

This is NOT political its defensive and in the best interests of this country yet none of you will admit it.

lying about why Obama is doing is just too much fun for all the clowns