
Its never been good enuff for me to win. I HAVE TO win with both hands tied behind my back while wearing a blindfold while hopping on one leg so to speak! You feel me? Its an adrenaline rush to win with everything and every one stacked against you. Just simply winning is boring,...any shlump can do THAT if they want to! Those are the kinds of people I want working for me or in my private circles. Fearless ANIMALS,....THAT is what is needed most in these times.
why work that hard for something that you can get with a little less work over time, especially if the end result is the same?
Incels are straight males who are socially awkward and blame women for their inability to get laid. It all started around the time kids were no longer allowed to trick or treat because parents decided it is too dangerous. Middle class families moved to a cul-de-sac so kids would have a safe space from the world.

Women like guys who live on the edge and display their tailfeathers. It's like a mating call and mastering video games isn't considered macho. The only danger in being locked up in your room all day is wearing out your joystick.
IMO, women like men who are mature and self-assured. Agreed they don't find much husband-material in someone who sleeps in their parent's and plays video games and participates in Incel forums all day.

As for the Halloween-theory, I disagree. A more likely cause is the Internet and, later, smartphones. Anyone can access free porn. For the stupid and lazy like Incels, this often means they think all women are easy. Stupid, yes, but Incels are stupid, immature and should be kicked out of their parent's homes so they can grow up.
IMO, women like men who are mature and self-assured. Agreed they don't find much husband-material in someone who sleeps in their parent's and plays video games and participates in Incel forums all day.

As for the Halloween-theory, I disagree. A more likely cause is the Internet and, later, smartphones. Anyone can access free porn. For the stupid and lazy like Incels, this often means they think all women are easy. Stupid, yes, but Incels are stupid, immature and should be kicked out of their parent's homes so they can grow up.
don't talk about Prince Andrew like that.
IMO, women like men who are mature and self-assured. Agreed they don't find much husband-material in someone who sleeps in their parent's and plays video games and participates in Incel forums all day.

As for the Halloween-theory, I disagree. A more likely cause is the Internet and, later, smartphones. Anyone can access free porn. For the stupid and lazy like Incels, this often means they think all women are easy. Stupid, yes, but Incels are stupid, immature and should be kicked out of their parent's homes so they can grow up.
You make good points but computers cost $3000 until 1998, and not even the cul-de-sac could afford to spend that much on a 15yo boy. Helicopter parenting started around 1985 when kids needed a parent to chaperone them while riding their bicycle or going for a swim in a public pool. My argument is overbearing supervision resulted in incels.

Again, boys need to find their own place in the pecking order by learning what is acceptable behavior and what is not. We need to figure out a mating dance that attracts the type of women we like. That usually involves smoking, drinking, and fast cars, far away from the house and parents. No girl from any social status refused to get on the back of my motorcycle.
Absolutely true. I work with a lot of younger men,....23- 27 age group. In my position I look to not just build good employees,....but build STRONG MEN! Thats exactly what I do. We are creating some fierce warriors in my circles. We do not accept defeatist attitudes AT ALL. You WILL win,....or you wont be here. You WILL rise above the hurdles,....the more hurdles put in place THE B ETTER. What doesnt kill you MAKES YOU STRONGER!
Do you have any female employees? Serious question. Maybe that’s not what your business does. There was one principle that I operated under as a boss. Put people in positions to succeed. My job was not to build character. I REMOVED obstacles not the opposite. Success comes in business when people find success in their role. Maybe it’s just a different culture but I don’t think I would have been successful with your approach.
Do you have any female employees? Serious question. Maybe that’s not what your business does. There was one principle that I operated under as a boss. Put people in positions to succeed. My job was not to build character. I REMOVED obstacles not the opposite. Success comes in business when people find success in their role. Maybe it’s just a different culture but I don’t think I would have been successful with your approach.

Yeah the approach of the manager being interested in the employee's success is a solid approach. Too often the managers are as terrified for their job as the low-level scut worker so they don't bother with worrying about their supervisees.

I "get" @Stone 's approach, but honestly it sounds more like the military than a job. The whole Glenngarry Glenross thing doesn't seem appealing but I'm sure some people thrive in that setting. Not necessarily everyone though.
Its never been good enuff for me to win. I HAVE TO win with both hands tied behind my back while wearing a blindfold while hopping on one leg so to speak! You feel me? Its an adrenaline rush to win with everything and every one stacked against you. Just simply winning is boring,...any shlump can do THAT if they want to! Those are the kinds of people I want working for me or in my private circles. Fearless ANIMALS,....THAT is what is needed most in these times.

Do you have a pretty high turn-over rate? While I understand your approach I am guessing that it only "lands" for a small number of people.
I overheard my first wife tell one of her friends, that I was the best wife a woman could have.

I took it as an insult when she said it. I hid behind the door and listened in on her conversation on the phone. After a few minutes of thinking about it, I knew exactly what she was talking about. Because she also said, that she loved my cooking and loved he fact that I loved to cook- and that was good because she didn't. And she also told her friend, other than volunteering to change dirty diapers on the our kids when they were still babies, she never had to ask me to ever help her do anything around the house.

She was basically complimenting me in her own funny way.

She was a pretty good little wife herself!
we're living in a world of incels
raised on antipsychotic meds
forced on them by helicopter moms
browbeating them down

and they come at me with anger and hate
making me laugh in their effeminate face
until I look at them and say

how small is your taint?
how small is your taint?
how small is your taint?
i'll fuck you in the ass
you silly little incel
The long term effects of porn and libertoonism and the unrealistic expectations re relationships they inflict on gullible minds, especially in males raised by women with no consistently moral males involved in parenting.

The traditional family values worked best for a reason. It wasn't perfect but was far better than the norm now. Unfortunately the decline of the middle class due to economic changes have contributed a lot to the degeneracy, so the right wing can't snivel about it being all 'leftist n stuff' with a straight face either. People having to work three jobs apiece don't have a lot of time and patience for family stuff and bonding.

The real sniveling here is over what a failure marginalizing males has been as a 'progressive' socio-economic agenda over the last 6 decades.
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The long term effects of porn and libertoonism and the unrealistic expectations re relationships they inflict on gullible minds, especially in males raised by women with no consistently moral males involved in parenting.

The traditional family values worked best for a reason. It wasn't perfect but was far better than the norm now. Unfortunately the decline of the middle class due to economic changes have contributed a lot to the degeneracy, so the right wing can't snivel about it being all 'leftist n stuff' with a straight face either. People having to work three jobs apiece don't have a lot of time and patience for family stuff and bonding.

The real sniveling here is over what a failure marginalizing males has been as a 'progressive' socio-economic agenda over the last 6 decades.
Matriarchy requires the presence of a stable man who demands on having a say on how his kids will be raised. Incels are a result of the mother making all the decisions because the father is a slave to a mortgage and job that pays their healthcare. He risks losing everything if he dares to say no to his wife. The cul-de-sac doesn't allow for risks.

A boy needs to see his father take risks, starting with him standing up to an overbearing mother. A boy should learn how to fish and hunt simply for the bonding experience. He has to know he has a man he can go to with his problems, especially if it involves girls. This is parenting 101, it has to be real and fun or it will confuse a developing mind.
Expand on your argument.
nearly 1/3rd of men under the age of 30 are either virgins, or have been without sex for over a year due to womens hypergamy and modern feminism. Hypergamy and modern feminism are two main reasons for Incels. Being raised by a single mother, or an overly masculine mother, is a minor reason.
nearly 1/3rd of men under the age of 30 are either virgins, or have been without sex for over a year due to womens hypergamy and modern feminism. Hypergamy and modern feminism are two main reasons for Incels. Being raised by a single mother, or an overly masculine mother, is a minor reason.

I honestly have to assume incels have ALWAYS existed. There have always been men who fail to spark anything in women and our established sex roles usually have the women as the gatekeepers to sexual access. And there's always going to be those who are selected against who nurse a grudge and anger at the gatekeepers.

The difference is, these days, the internet allows for them to coalesce and reinforce each other. They become an actual visible community as opposed to what they've always been: individuals sprinkled throughout our society.
I honestly have to assume incels have ALWAYS existed. There have always been men who fail to spark anything in women and our established sex roles usually have the women as the gatekeepers to sexual access. And there's always going to be those who are selected against who nurse a grudge and anger at the gatekeepers.

The difference is, these days, the internet allows for them to coalesce and reinforce each other. They become an actual visible community as opposed to what they've always been: individuals sprinkled throughout our society.
without a doubt they have always existed, since the beginning of human times.

the internet and social media has allowed for that as well as the rise of hypergamy and modern feminism
nearly 1/3rd of men under the age of 30 are either virgins, or have been without sex for over a year due to womens hypergamy and modern feminism. Hypergamy and modern feminism are two main reasons for Incels. Being raised by a single mother, or an overly masculine mother, is a minor reason.
You help make my point. A boy needs a strong male presence willing to stand up to a woman insisting on making all the rules. The system no longer allows for a man to be a man.
without a doubt they have always existed, since the beginning of human times.

the internet and social media has allowed for that as well as the rise of hypergamy and modern feminism

The "hypergamy" charge seems pretty obvious. In any given society that limits women's access to capital and opportunity (as our society still does, even though less so than in the past) they are always going to seek a mate who is more capable of protecting them and providing them and their offspring with a survival advantage.

As for the "Modern Feminism" charge, that's a different beast. I will agree that is a definite change in our society and does shake up the equilibrium we established at the expense of women's autonomy. So yeah with the advent of our realization that women are fully human and capable members of our society (and not just brood sows and home attendants) there's going to be a bit of thrash in the relationship between the sexes.

Women are STILL the gatekeepers (as they will always be in a stable and decent society) but now they appear to have more agency than many of the incels. As women make strides in society (more education, etc.) they will shift their selection to accord with that. So I can definitely see that what is actually a NECESSARY change in society (feminism) may lead to a transient spike in men who feel agrieved moreso than they usually are.
You help make my point. A boy needs a strong male presence willing to stand up to a woman insisting on making all the rules. The system no longer allows for a man to be a man.
I'm glad to help you make that point. It's one I strongly agree with. I just want the other reasons to be acknowledged.