In the name of jesus

Guno צְבִי

We fight, We win, Am Yisrael Chai
American missionary sentenced to 16 years in prison for abusing underage girls at his Kenyan orphanage

Gregory Hayes Dow, of Lancaster, Pennsylvania, abused four girls for years while running the Dow Family Children’s Home in Boito, Kenya, between October 2013 and September 2017.

On Thursday he was sentenced to 188 months behind bars, according to NTV Kenya. After his release, he’ll be prohibited from interacting with children younger than 18, and will remain under lifetime supervision.

Dow, who had been convicted in 1996 for assault with intent to commit sexual abuse on a child in Iowa, traveled to the Republic of Kenya in 2008 to start the orphanage with his wife, Mary Rose Dow.

American missionary sentenced to 16 years in prison for abusing underage girls at his Kenyan orphanage

Gregory Hayes Dow, of Lancaster, Pennsylvania, abused four girls for years while running the Dow Family Children’s Home in Boito, Kenya, between October 2013 and September 2017.

On Thursday he was sentenced to 188 months behind bars, according to NTV Kenya. After his release, he’ll be prohibited from interacting with children younger than 18, and will remain under lifetime supervision.

Dow, who had been convicted in 1996 for assault with intent to commit sexual abuse on a child in Iowa, traveled to the Republic of Kenya in 2008 to start the orphanage with his wife, Mary Rose Dow.


Assholes exist in all shapes and colors. People shouldn't hurt others. Don't all religions say so?
Read what Jesus says about it's being better for anyone who hurts one of these little ones to have a great millstone put around his neck and thrown into the deepest part of the sea. But I expect it's 'religious'. I think that, with all this stuff, it makes a lot more sense always to be specific. As a Christian, this Dow bloke seems like Stalin as a Marxist - not exactly in the direct line! :)