In City After City, Police Completely Mishandled Black Lives Matter Protests


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The mistakes transcended geography, staffing levels and financial resources. From midsize departments like the one in Indianapolis to big-city forces like New York City’s, from top commanders to officers on the beat, police officers nationwide were unprepared to calm the summer’s unrest, and their approaches consistently did the opposite. In many ways, the problems highlighted in the reports are fundamental to modern American policing, a demonstration of the aggressive tactics that had infuriated many of the protesters to begin with.
LYING....BLM/ANTIFA was allowed by power to terrorize cities, we know this....the police were routinely ordered to let them do it with almost no opposition. When police did arrest the people were almost always not charged, nor were they expected to pay any bail, others paid for them.

The NYT is not a journalism outfit anymore, they are propagandists for the Revolution.
LYING....BLM/ANTIFA was allowed by power to terrorize cities, we know this....the police were routinely ordered to let them do it with almost no opposition. When police did arrest the people were almost always not charged, nor were they expected to pay any bail, others paid for them.

The NYT is not a journalism outfit anymore, they are propagandists for the Revolution.

You need serious medications.
This thread reminds me that the journalists abandoning their profession to become shills for the Revolution has damaged my people worse than any other factor except for the complete failure of the Universities, were what was once institutions of good now are the breeding grounds and the HQ for the assassins, for the Revolution. .
The mistakes transcended geography, staffing levels and financial resources. From midsize departments like the one in Indianapolis to big-city forces like New York City’s, from top commanders to officers on the beat, police officers nationwide were unprepared to calm the summer’s unrest, and their approaches consistently did the opposite. In many ways, the problems highlighted in the reports are fundamental to modern American policing, a demonstration of the aggressive tactics that had infuriated many of the protesters to begin with.
well we wouldn't want to UPSET THE RIOTERS would we? :palm:

If cops stand back the riots run wild,
if they attempt arrests BLM/ANTIFA immediately fight back and cause more mayhem
The mistakes transcended geography, staffing levels and financial resources. From midsize departments like the one in Indianapolis to big-city forces like New York City’s, from top commanders to officers on the beat, police officers nationwide were unprepared to calm the summer’s unrest, and their approaches consistently did the opposite. In many ways, the problems highlighted in the reports are fundamental to modern American policing, a demonstration of the aggressive tactics that had infuriated many of the protesters to begin with.

of course they have.....they are run by demmycrats.....
This thread reminds me that the journalists abandoning their profession to become shills for the Revolution has damaged my people worse than any other factor except for the complete failure of the Universities, were what was once institutions of good now are the breeding grounds and the HQ for the assassins, for the Revolution. .
aaand don't forget the Marxist breeding ground of Confucian Institutes
Closing Confucius Institutes
aaand don't forget the Marxist breeding ground of Confucian Institutes
Closing Confucius Institutes

How much the Chinese and the Russians have to do with the internal collapse of America we dont know...the entire failed elite class tend to be liars, and we dont have journalists anymore.....we are flying blind.....which might be on might have been the plan of America's assassines all along...I just dont know.....
How much the Chinese and the Russians have to do with the internal collapse of America we dont know...the entire failed elite class tend to be liars, and we dont have journalists anymore.....we are flying blind.....which might be on might have been the plan of America's assassines all along...I just dont know.....
They infiltrate as spies in government and industry, so you would not know.
Long term they poison young adults minds
Hanban, the Beijing headquarters of the Confucius Institutes, commonly advertises itself as a nonprofit organization affiliated with the Ministry of Education, the instructional activities of which are devoted to promoting a harmonious multicultural world order, this is a benign disguise.
Hanban is in fact controlled by high officials of the Chinese party-state implementing the policies of the PRC propaganda apparatus. The governing council of Hanban, which annually sets its agenda, has long been headed by a member of the Politburo. A number of its ranking officials, beside their high status in such ministries as foreign affairs, finance and national development, are members of so-called small leading groups of the Party’s propaganda and ideology sections -- which thus function as conduits for the realization of Politburo policies in the operations of Confucius Institutes. And insofar as Confucius Institutes and classrooms are installed in colleges and K-12 schools the world around, these educational institutions function as peripheral propaganda branches of the Chinese party-state.
So everyone seems to Know all about this so here are some questions,
Which Cities has BLM had marches in,
Which Cities Had Riots in them,
Which Cities Mishandled the Situation Marches or Riots
They infiltrate as spies in government and industry, so you would not know.
Long term they poison young adults minds

You have truly lost it there Duk, sounds like the old Red Scare nonsense from the 50's and 60's as if there is a Russian or Chinese agent around every corner.....sad you keep falling for the same old BS, poison young adult minds......:rofl2::rofl2::rofl2::rofl2::rofl2::rofl2::rofl2::rofl2:
You people have not been in protests. Before they start, they hold meetings warning the newbies what they will face. The cops will attack and beat the peaceful protesters. They will shoot teargas and rubber bullets. They will brutally arrest people.
Some people have more trouble taking a cop beating than others. The cops also protect people who attack demonstrators.
My attitude toward police and what their real business is , was formed by them in the Black rights marches and later the Anti-Vietnam demonstrations. They have not changed. They fight change and work for the powerful, although the people pay their salaries.
The police did not mishandle the protests. They did it exactly as they were trained. The only mistake was they did it on TV when Trump did the upside-down bible stunt. They attacked people who were standing in peace.
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In city after city the police were told to stand in place like cigar store Indians and allow the insurrectionists to burn and loot.
Still waiting:

So everyone seems to Know all about this so here are some questions,
Which Cities has BLM had marched in,
Which Cities Had Riots in them,
Which Cities Mishandled the Situation, Marches or Riots