This guy gets no more slack from me. The sexist and racist comment about the rutgers women, wasn't an isolated incident. It's a pattern.
Evidently, Imus once called Gwen Ifil, a "cleaning lady", when she worked for the NY Times. If you know Gwen Ifil, you know she is at the top of her profession. I think she's even moderated presidential debates. A totally respected journalist - who happens to have dark skin. Hmmmm. What an asswipe Imus is:
Evidently, Imus once called Gwen Ifil, a "cleaning lady", when she worked for the NY Times. If you know Gwen Ifil, you know she is at the top of her profession. I think she's even moderated presidential debates. A totally respected journalist - who happens to have dark skin. Hmmmm. What an asswipe Imus is:
"Isn't The Times wonderful," Mr. Nelson quoted Mr. Imus as saying on the radio. "It lets the cleaning lady cover the White House."