Why shouldn't we impeach Bush and Cheney?
Because they've committed no felonies? I don't know. Read the constitution.
They don't have to commit felonies to be impeached and tried. Impeachment is, and can be solely, a political action.Because they've committed no felonies? I don't know. Read the constitution.
All in all, I agree that his list is mighty "picky" but IMHO some pf it is valid, and thus some of your comments are not. TO WIT:
After the congress gave him permission to engage Iraq at his "Disgretion" the Administration learned that some of the reasons that the congressAfterrelied upojn were false and untrue, and he said nothing. that is deceptive, and thus effectively a lie"2. Lying to the people of the U.S., to Congress, and to the U.N., providing false and deceptive rationales for war."
Even if the information was wrong, I seriously doubt Bush purposely "lied".
Torture of non-citizens isn't mentioned in the constitution.
But "LAWS"against such ARE on the books (Impeachment is not just in regards to the written constitution)
What do you think the discussions regarding GITMO are all about?"8. Acting to strip United States citizens of their constitutional and human rights, ordering indefinite detention of citizens, without access to counsel, without charge, and without opportunity to appear before a civil judicial officer to challenge the detention, based solely on the discretionary designation by the Executive of a citizen as an "enemy combatant.""
You might have something hear but I've yet to hear of him actually using that power.
perhaps not but still absolutely wrong, (And it is still up in the. air whether portions of the constitution applies to our treatment of non-citizens (I personally think they do)"10. Ordering and authorizing the Attorney General to override judicial orders of release of detainees under INS jurisdiction, even where the judicial officer after full hearing determines a detainee is wrongfully held by the government.
Not citezens...
But Bush has committed no felonies.
I personally don't beleive that, but the fact remains that actually felonies are not a prerequsite of imperachment, but failure to uphold the provisions of his oath of office fills that provision rather FURTHER:
He didn't mention Signing statements which imply intention to subbort the intention of the bill nor illegal warrantless wiretapping ----both of which, (plus others), which I believe are impeachable offenses.
'Impeach' all left of center Liberals...for treason'..hows that???
Are you in love with George Bush?![]()
Or, do you something akin to a high school girl's crush on him?![]()
Because it seems like you always take criticism of George Bush very personally. And you direct your anger about criticism of George Bush outwardly, against all "liberals" -- Instead of at one public figure, or another. That's how you spend 90% of your time here: Defending that stud muffin, George Bush.
I'm I portraying your relationship to George accurately?:![]()
Seriously, BB - I can't figure out why you spend most of your time defending George Bush. It's like he's your husband, or boyfriend or something. You take criticisms of him very personally.
I mean, you claim your not a republican partisan. That can't be the reason you spend 90% of your time here defending him.
Likewise, he's not personal friend, wife, or family member of yours. I could understand a consistent and passionate defense of relatives, spouses, and friends.
I mean seriously -- is it because you have some kind of weird, emotional bond with him? One that compels you to aggressively and consistently defend him?
Do you have a crush on him?![]()