Impeachement: It's not just for Blowj*bs anymore


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If, in the course of congressional oversight, subpeneas and investigations, it turns out that:

1) Bu$h and Co. exaggerated, manipulated, and hyped dubious and caveated intelligence to sell a war; and

2) Spied on american citizens without a warrant; and

3) Bu$h and Co., deliberately and consistently for years ignored or downplayed warnings from commanders on the ground; experts in the State Dept.; and in the Intelligence community that Iraq was spinning out of control -- for domestic political reasons;

should Bush be impeached? Yes, or no?
yes, or at least censured, but allowed to defend himself in an impeachment process is really better for the president in my opinion, than being censured, where I am not sure there is a defense process....which seems unfair to me....

We must let our leaders know that they can not be people of "Lawlessness" this administration more than others, it seems to me anyway, has's time to reign them all in and make them tow the same line we have to tow....
Unfortunately ..In politics ..exaggeration, manipulation, and hype are part of the territory. Ask those on the Democratic side ...

Number 2 is bias rhetoric on your part.. the debate is still open on that one.

Number 3 is true but like it or not.. Bush is the Commander in Chief ....

Impeachment at this juncture in time? As much as I would like to put a lid on this guy... no way. We dont need to go in this direction. What the Democrats need to do is what they are doing...; as the leadership party..keep putting pressure on the White House... make them respond to the demands of We the People. What we want is resolve .... it was a horrible mistake, ...everyone now knows it.. (well.. almost) that said..we are supposed to learn from matter how severe, so lets keep demanding resolve... look at Bush this past month...he was running around the Country like a scared rabbit ... asking for advice from everyone he could find ... lets keep him hopping.
Lack of confidence in our President to be honest and truthful with us, his employer, is a good enough reason to impeach him imo......

China or Turkey or Russia or whomever, could have nukes pointed at us and ready to fire upon us right now.... and if BUSH was the one telling us this, I WOULD NOT BELIEVE HIM or his cronies......because I have no confidence in him as our President to tell us the truth or to do what is right and just....

Now THAT is a very dangerous situation for our country to be in right now......especially since I believe that more than half of Americans are in the same boat as me....having no Faith in the President to make any decision that would be right and just for us....

He needs to be impeached so that our future presidents don't try to outdo him with their own lawlessness...

THIS IS NOT the time to spare the rod....and to keep this infant of a president....spoiled.
Unfortunately ..In politics ..exaggeration, manipulation, and hype are part of the territory. Ask those on the Democratic side ...

Number 2 is bias rhetoric on your part.. the debate is still open on that one.

Number 3 is true but like it or not.. Bush is the Commander in Chief ....

Impeachment at this juncture in time? As much as I would like to put a lid on this guy... no way. We dont need to go in this direction. What the Democrats need to do is what they are doing...; as the leadership party..keep putting pressure on the White House... make them respond to the demands of We the People. What we want is resolve .... it was a horrible mistake, ...everyone now knows it.. (well.. almost) that said..we are supposed to learn from matter how severe, so lets keep demanding resolve... look at Bush this past month...he was running around the Country like a scared rabbit ... asking for advice from everyone he could find ... lets keep him hopping.

That's why I said if Number two was proven in the course of investigation and sworn testimony.

You might be right about number three. That's just sheer incompetence. Although, I think in 18th century lexicon, the impeachment article in the constitution left the door open to theoretically get rid of a president who was grossly and dangerously incompetent - and thus, a threat to the republic.

Number one - lying about intelligence to congress - I believe can theoretically be construed to be a crime under Federal law, to defraud the united states government: that's a very broad statute. Not limited to "financial" fraud.
i think there definitly should be a formal investigation, and depending on the findings and decide what to do. anyway yes we need to hold or pres to the highest standerds. if that means impeechment then by allmeans he should be impeeched.
i think there definitly should be a formal investigation, and depending on the findings and decide what to do. anyway yes we need to hold or pres to the highest standerds. if that means impeechment then by allmeans he should be impeeched.

I agree with bob.

However if done for political reasons it might be best to wait till close to the 2008 elections so it is going on and Bush's actions between now and then drag his party farther down.
I agree with bob.

However if done for political reasons it might be best to wait till close to the 2008 elections so it is going on and Bush's actions between now and then drag his party farther down.

Consider also how much you want to hear or read the words, "President Cheney".
Actually I am hoping Cheny screws up and gets caught lying under oath in the Plamegate trial.
I have a vision.

Cheney is caught on surveilance video, sneaking out at night and kicking the crap out of a homeless guy, just to watch him squirm. The public outrage is so intense that he's urged to resign. He refuses and is impeached. The homeless guy, meanwhile, spends weeks in hospital recuperating, becomes a national hero and is elected Vice President in the Obama administration.

I think it's beautifully symmetrical and appropriate. :cof1:
That's why I said if Number two was proven in the course of investigation and sworn testimony.

You might be right about number three. That's just sheer incompetence. Although, I think in 18th century lexicon, the impeachment article in the constitution left the door open to theoretically get rid of a president who was grossly and dangerously incompetent - and thus, a threat to the republic.

Number one - lying about intelligence to congress - I believe can theoretically be construed to be a crime under Federal law, to defraud the united states government: that's a very broad statute. Not limited to "financial" fraud.

Well thought out .... I cant disagree with any of the above. Aside from incompetence If through investigation it was found that he is guilty of lying about intelligence to congress ... he should be impeached ... but I cant see how it would do the Country anygood .... the proceedings would drag us down that slippery slope once again....and with our troops stuck in Iraq...we dont need it.