I'm Just a Soul Whose Intentions Are Good. Oh Lord, Please Don't Let Me Be Misunderst


Senior Member
ood. Oh, those Animals; they were great!!!

And this story reminded me of that great tune. Yes, indeed, because that is what Ruper Murdock claims happened in Iraq. You see, Bush's intentions were good and Iraq was the right thing to do, and the senseless deaths; "minute"!! So says Rupert the FOXSPEWS Honcho! So, Please, Don't let Bush be misunderstood...

Murdoch says US death toll in Iraq 'minute'
6 Nov, 2006 1822 hrs.

TOKYO: Media mogul Rupert Murdoch said on Monday he had no regrets about supporting the US-led invasion of Iraq and argued that the US death toll in the conflict was "minute" from a historical perspective.

The conservative News Corp chief spoke on the eve of US elections where President George W Bush's Republican Party was expected to lose seats in part due to a backlash over the war.

"The death toll, certainly of Americans there, by the terms of any previous war are quite minute," Murdoch told reporters at a conference in Tokyo.

"Of course no one likes any death toll, but the war now, at the moment, it's certainly trying to prevent a civil war and to prevent Iraqis killing each other."

A total of 2,832 US troops have been killed in Iraq since the March 2003 invasion. Thousands more Iraqis have died.

Murdoch -- whose News Corp empire includes the New York Post and Britain's most widely read newspaper, The Sun tabloid -- said while the United States made mistakes in the war its intentions were good.

Full Repulsive Story
What is it that Murdock said that has you all in a tissy? He is correct, in historic perspective, the death toll in this war is minute. Name some other wars of 3 years, with lower death tolls? C'mon, I know you can think of at least one or two, because I have a whole list of wars of 3 years, where the death toll was far greater. I have single battles in the pacific and on U.S. soil, that were far greater. So before we start ridiculing Mr. Murdock, we need to establish if you have a legitimate complaint.
More importantly:

Nina Simone's rendition was better of thsi song was better than the animals.