im getting slandered on the other site

i do think im pretty hot though, but i don't think im snotty. i talk to anyone and am very nice to everyone i meet, but i guess i could be a snob w/ how vain i am. but it has nothing to do with having money etc.
robdastud said:
unreal.. people actually really think im a snob. i can't believe it... but if they do soo be it...

Don't you drink wine, drive an audi, and have a fancy hairdresser? ;)

i drink cheap wine. with someone who drinks as much as i do i could spend hundreds on wine a week. i get the 10 dollar bottles. i pay 15 bucks every two weeks and i tip 10 bucks per haircut to my stylist who i also made out with. and i just bought the audi, and its an 03 and only cost me 18K, normally they go for 30 brand new. and truth be told i almost bought another jetta, but went with the audi b/c its what i really wanted b/c i really think they loook cool
That is the nature of the boards. The members can't discuss the thread without personal attacks.