If you get more tax breaks than a welfare recipients take should you teabag

Hey, Dude, 72T could you educate me on that one, how do you use it? Thanks
Thanks for asking I'm a finance nerd
It allows you to retire on your 401k prior to 59
Which is why I did it.
The massive benefit is you are taxed as if you live on interest from a tbill.
So I was able to shelter 200,000 from taxable income in 18 months
And I get 5 more years of my favorite tax code.
Thanks for asking I'm a finance nerd
It allows you to retire on your 401k prior to 59
Which is why I did it.
The massive benefit is you are taxed as if you live on interest from a tbill.
So I was able to shelter 200,000 from taxable income in 18 months
And I get 5 more years of my favorite tax code.

There are huge tax breaks for the middle class
Health savings
72t the absolute jewel

So if you can't write a coherent sentence with proper grammar and a proper subject, should you be taken serious; or be rightly viewed as an uneducated dullard and be ignored?

Your selective thread banning suggests you prefer engaging in brain dead circle jerks than showing any desire for honest debate; I'm disappointed I wasn't on that list and now am compelled to respond to your incredibly stupid thread to point out what an incredibly stupid dullard you really are.

But I can't respond; you see, your sentence makes absolutely no sense and appears to be something a middle school dropout would type struggling for a purpose.

You really are THAT stupid. :rolleyes:
Thanks for asking I'm a finance nerd
It allows you to retire on your 401k prior to 59
Which is why I did it.
The massive benefit is you are taxed as if you live on interest from a tbill.
So I was able to shelter 200,000 from taxable income in 18 months
And I get 5 more years of my favorite tax code.

$200K goes a long way when you live in a trailer home in the woods. One less dimwit feeding from the public trough; that's a good thing.
Thanks for asking I'm a finance nerd
It allows you to retire on your 401k prior to 59
Which is why I did it.
The massive benefit is you are taxed as if you live on interest from a tbill.
So I was able to shelter 200,000 from taxable income in 18 months
And I get 5 more years of my favorite tax code.

So you are a tea bagger?
So you went broke shorting the market
Butthurt teabagger

No I did not go broke shorting the market. But, maybe you know better what is in my portfolio than I do?

I find it interesting that you list a bunch of tax breaks that you claim identifies one as a tea bagger then admit to taking advantage of said tax break meaning you are a tea bagger. Maybe logic and critical thinking isnt something you excel at?
I took your teabagger ass off ignore so you could brag about spelling and grammar!
You must be a grade school teacher

Not a grade school teacher; just a college graduate who can write and spell better than middle schooll dropouts like you.

So what age did you retire at to take advantage of that obscure 72T law, and what payout method did you choose?
I'm not surprised teabaggers are financially illiterate.
So pick on spelling

The notion that you are financially literate is about as comedic as claiming you can write a correctly structured sentence with a subject and proper spelling.
No I did not go broke shorting the market. But, maybe you know better what is in my portfolio than I do?

I find it interesting that you list a bunch of tax breaks that you claim identifies one as a tea bagger then admit to taking advantage of said tax break meaning you are a tea bagger. Maybe logic and critical thinking isnt something you excel at?

It's not fair to confuse dimwits with the obvious dontchyaknow. ;)
Not a grade school teacher; just a college graduate who can write and spell better than middle schooll dropouts like you.

So what age did you retire at to take advantage of that obscure 72T law, and what payout method did you choose?
What is your degree in
I retired at 52
Chose the highest payout, though all three methods yield a similar amount.
You don't know me
I can't spell and would fail a seventh grade English test now so save the cheap insult.
I might not be the most financially sophisticated person on the board (super freak, cawacko)
But I'm in the top 5
What is your degree in
I retired at 52
Chose the highest payout, though all three methods yield a similar amount.
You don't know me
I can't spell and would fail a seventh grade English test now so save the cheap insult.
I might not be the most financially sophisticated person on the board (super freak, cawacko)
But I'm in the top 5

So based on what you are claiming, your monthly payout amounts to about $1,200 a month until you reach 59 1/2. Hell fool, that wouldn't pay my car payments!! Good thing you live in a trailer home in the back woods eh?

Save the cheap insults? This from a dullard who roams the forum in search of threads to troll with cheap insults; you have achieved the pinnacle of stupidity with this one dullard.

So how does one live on $1,200 a month? That is a fascinating thing and I say bravo that you have found a way to live below the poverty rate and still afford an internet connection; but it beats others of your ilk who are wards of the state suckling on the efforts of others. How do you do it?
I retired at 52
Chose the highest payout, though all three methods yield a similar amount.

You would be wrong again dimwit; but at least you are consistent. The minimum distribution method yields about half the rate of the other two.

Good lord; you can't even get your fabricated facts correct can you?
So based on what you are claiming, your monthly payout amounts to about $1,200 a month until you reach 59 1/2. Hell fool, that wouldn't pay my car payments!! Good thing you live in a trailer home in the back woods eh?

Save the cheap insults? This from a dullard who roams the forum in search of threads to troll with cheap insults; you have achieved the pinnacle of stupidity with this one dullard.

So how does one live on $1,200 a month? That is a fascinating thing and I say bravo that you have found a way to live below the poverty rate and still afford an internet connection; but it beats others of your ilk who are wards of the state suckling on the efforts of others. How do you do it?
Please tell me your major
Obviously not business or math
You are way off