If You Can't Find Anything Wrong, Just Fucking Lie


Typical of the right wing racist Christians and liars. They're so nuts they have to make up more stupid conspiracy theories.


I'm sure the nutcases on this forum like silly philly, SF, USF, ILA, Classic Liberal, Billy, Boorish actually believe this crap. How could anyone be so stupid?
In reality, America will fail if big oil Countries start trading for gold and the primary gas-for-gold trade. Because big oil Countries seem to be big gold also because they are behind a few decades and didn't dig it all up.

There was a Unionization of Countries that were going to take trade gold for gas above the American dollar. Maybe you all have seen the recoil of this and blamed it on "politics";

Maybe you saw Libya rebels with brand new American weapons. Maybe you saw Syrian rebels with brand new American weapons. Maybe you saw America emotionally driven last election to go to war with Iran with no proof they are a threat. The biggest proof Fox News had that Iran was a threat was they had "blue tarps covering" assumed bombs. Notice that since Joe Biden OWNED Corporate Paul Ryan on this topic as Paul Ryan stated that "That is war season and we shouldn't end war in war season."...............~there is a "season" for war.............