If there was no Pearl Harbor

Oh is Assad the new, new Hitler?

I always fall behind on the new new Hitler updates. Damn my twitter feed.

What are you rambling about?

If you don't wish to address the OP, that is your choice, but to come on here in and start whining because he dared ask a question that involves critical thought (which obviously scares you) is quite sad.
And we were never attacked in any way in the '40's: would you have supported military intervention in Europe?

Americans at the time would not have supported intervention .. and the war machine knew it .. just as they know Americans would not be supporting our mindless 'war on terror' without 9/11.

The formula is simple.
Americans at the time would not have supported intervention .. and the war machine knew it .. just as they know Americans would not be supporting our mindless 'war on terror' without 9/11.

The formula is simple.

I think they would have had they known about the concentration camps. Otherwise I would agree with you. They wanted no part of WWII. It was only after Pearl that FDR was able to gain public support for entering the war (officially)
What are you rambling about?

If you don't wish to address the OP, that is your choice, but to come on here in and start whining because he dared ask a question that involves critical thought (which obviously scares you) is quite sad.

Oh but I did address the OP. You just don't like it. Because Assad as Hitler is ludicrous, but it's what alllll the war mongers are parroting this week. They say politics makes strange bedfellows. But that's nothing compared to the bedfellows war makes.

Desh started the "NEVER AGAIN!" Holocaust comparisons yesterday, Onceler is picking them up today (though attempting to keep deniability) and you and Onceler have become great war buddies. Desh, Onceler, and Superfreak.

Dude I never thought I'd see it, but I have to tell you, it gives me hope for humanity. Can an Israeli/ Palestinian partnership be far off?
Don't act like I'm crazy. You stated this:

I responded:

Not rocket science.

When you quote something, try actually quoting it. That makes it easier to know what you are referring to. Because your response did not make sense based on what you quoted.
The thread question is not a "comparison to Hitler." Simple minds always assume that kind of thing.

It's an extreme example, where I think opposing intervention - at least in hindsight - would have been immoral. It's an attempt to find out where the line is; do we intervene only at a certain level of evil & egregiousness? Do we oppose intervention no matter what, unless our own security is threatened? If there is a line, where do you draw it?

I don't think what Assad is doing rises to the level of what Hitler did. But it's really only a matter of scale on that.
Oh but I did address the OP. You just don't like it. Because Assad as Hitler is ludicrous, but it's what alllll the war mongers are parroting this week. They say politics makes strange bedfellows. But that's nothing compared to the bedfellows war makes.

Oh, so you are going to pretend that he called Assad Hitler, so that you can knock down your straw man?

Desh started the "NEVER AGAIN!" Holocaust comparisons yesterday, Onceler is picking them up today (though attempting to keep deniability) and you and Onceler have become great war buddies. Desh, Onceler, and Superfreak.

ROFLMAO... you are sliding down the same path to insanity that Desh has.
Hitler Declared war on us before we declared war on him, and we knew what was going on in the concentration camps, the general public did not know, but our government did.
When you quote something, try actually quoting it. That makes it easier to know what you are referring to. Because your response did not make sense based on what you quoted.

Well, go to your post and hit reply. You will see that portion of it doesn't go into the reply box. I guess something about how you copied it there. I noticed, but figured you would remember what you had written two minutes earlier. My bad, you senile bastard.
Oh, so you are going to pretend that he called Assad Hitler, so that you can knock down your straw man?

ROFLMAO... you are sliding down the same path to insanity that Desh has.

Nah, you're the one pretending this has nothing to do with the Syria debate he has been snarking on for two days. You're so silly.