If Michael Cohen's testimony was accurate, Trump will go to prison


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This new prosecutor will mark the end of Trump.

Manhattan's district attorney hired a top prosecutor who pursued mafia bosses to investigate Trump

Mark Pomerantz, who has a long career as a federal prosecutor and trial attorney, was sworn in on February 3 as an assistant district attorney, Danny Frost, a spokesman for the Manhattan district attorney's office, told Insider.

The New York Times first reported the hire.

Pomerantz has joined the team assembled by District Attorney Cyrus Vance to investigate whether the Trump Organization committed insurance and tax fraud, and falsified records.


POS still needs to answer for all the dead Americans that might have escaped Covid 19 if he hadn't lied.
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There remains a concern that if Trump is prosecuted for his crimes, all future presidents will face prosecution when the opposite party is in the majority.

But here's the thing.

Trump actually committed serious crimes, and evidence of those crimes is being gathered for the courts.
If he is not prosecuted, there is no moral justification for prosecuting any crime of any kind.
Anarchy will be the order of the day, and the human species cannot survive anarchy without devolving to a much lower life form.
There remains a concern that if Trump is prosecuted for his crimes, all future presidents will face prosecution when the opposite party is in the majority.

But here's the thing.

Trump actually committed serious crimes, and evidence of those crimes is being gathered for the courts.
If he is not prosecuted, there is no moral justification for prosecuting any crime of any kind.
Anarchy will be the order of the day, and the human species cannot survive anarchy without devolving to a much lower life form.
Heres a suggestion - why don't you try IMPEACHMENT. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha h ah ah ah aha hahahahahahahahahhah!!!!!!!!
There remains a concern that if Trump is prosecuted for his crimes, all future presidents will face prosecution when the opposite party is in the majority.

But here's the thing.

Trump actually committed serious crimes, and evidence of those crimes is being gathered for the courts.
If he is not prosecuted, there is no moral justification for prosecuting any crime of any kind.
Anarchy will be the order of the day, and the human species cannot survive anarchy without devolving to a much lower life form.

Trump had been a thieving racketeer for decades so this is long overdue.
This new prosecutor will mark the end of Trump.

POS still needs to answer for all the dead Americans that might have escaped Covid 19 if he hadn't lied.

There's nothing that I would like better, than to see Trump in the slammer, where he belongs.
If the Dems did what trump does, the reds would have put them in Gitmo. Trump was able to hide his crimes by using the power of the presidency. Now that he was beaten, he lost the protections. This is the result and it is why he cries about an illegal election. It is his last hope to avoid justice.
This new prosecutor will mark the end of Trump.

POS still needs to answer for all the dead Americans that might have escaped Covid 19 if he hadn't lied.

Trump is never going to prison, with his army of accountants and attorneys he will postpone, delay, and appeal anything close to catching him, keep in mind, he’s 74 and not the picture of health
This new prosecutor will mark the end of Trump.

POS still needs to answer for all the dead Americans that might have escaped Covid 19 if he hadn't lied.

Michael Cohen is about as reliable a witness as a rat that got run over by a garbage truck, but there is no doubt that Trump and everyone around him have committed many, many, many crimes. They should all die in prison -- beginning with Donald himself.
Trump is never going to prison, with his army of accountants and attorneys he will postpone, delay, and appeal anything close to catching him, keep in mind, he’s 74 and not the picture of health

An army of accountants and lawyers can make civil actions go on forever.
Trump is facing criminal charges, however. He's not being sued.
He can appeal his ass off, but he'll do it from a prison cell after his conviction.
Trump is never going to prison, with his army of accountants and attorneys he will postpone, delay, and appeal anything close to catching him, keep in mind, he’s 74 and not the picture of health

And since when will the claiming an ailment a guarantee to prevent a prison sentence? He will be prevented from running again...that's for shit sure.
Trump is never going to prison, with his army of accountants and attorneys he will postpone, delay, and appeal anything close to catching him, keep in mind, he’s 74 and not the picture of health

Then he'll be busy fighting some costly litigation that will drain him financially.
Heres a suggestion - why don't you try IMPEACHMENT. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha h ah ah ah aha hahahahahahahahahhah!!!!!!!!

The Democrats did impeach Trump. Twice. The Republicans acquitted him. Twice.

For fuck's sake, learn something.