LBJ deserved to be driven from office for his lies about Vietnam. The dude had a lot of blood on his hands.
But, check it out: I was reviewing the domestic accomplishements of the LBJ adminstration. Astonishing. As influential, if not moreso, than FDR. From civil rights, to voting rights, to environmental protection, to consumer safety laws, to medicare, to medicaid, to public broadcasting, to pre-school Head Start programs, to student loans and grants for college. In six years, the dude accomplished as much, or more, than FDR and Teddy Roosevelt combined.
But, check it out: I was reviewing the domestic accomplishements of the LBJ adminstration. Astonishing. As influential, if not moreso, than FDR. From civil rights, to voting rights, to environmental protection, to consumer safety laws, to medicare, to medicaid, to public broadcasting, to pre-school Head Start programs, to student loans and grants for college. In six years, the dude accomplished as much, or more, than FDR and Teddy Roosevelt combined.