“I will fix abortion worries”

Women no longer have the right to make private medical decisions about their bodies, even after having been raped or in the effort to save her life.
1. there is no right to murder an unborn child, even in privacy. otherwise, women retain all the same rights about their bodies that men do, save for being drafted to war.
2. the aberration that a lot of states have gone to include rape, incest, or life of the moater as non excuses for abortion are horrendous and I do not agree with them.
Women no longer have the right to make private medical decisions about their bodies, even after having been raped or in the effort to save her life.
where are you on mandatory vaccine?

maybe you just like killing babies.
1. there is no right to murder an unborn child, even in privacy. otherwise, women retain all the same rights about their bodies that men do, save for being drafted to war.
2. the aberration that a lot of states have gone to include rape, incest, or life of the moater as non excuses for abortion are horrendous and I do not agree with them.
I agree with you on number 2.

and Im actually pro choice for the first trimester.

remember when this was all settled 30 years ago?
wtf happened?