I think telling a person to kill themselves should be a bannable offense


there is NO place for such comments in the internets world.

Lets face it folks we may THINK we know people here but in reality we don't.

Telling someone they should kill themselves is just like screaming FIRE in a theater.

I think it should be a bannable offense
To kill oneself is a crime in many places, so encouraging someone to do it could likely be solicitation.
ILA keeps saying billy should kill himself.

I think that is pure evil and he needs to have the basement door locked and sealed so he cant hurt his grandma and his internets shut off so he cant keep saying this
ILA keeps saying billy should kill himself.

I think that is pure evil and he needs to have the basement door locked and sealed so he cant hurt his grandma and his internets shut off so he cant keep saying this

ILA is scum. I keep forgetting to ban him from my threads.
there is NO place for such comments in the internets world.

Lets face it folks we may THINK we know people here but in reality we don't.

Telling someone they should kill themselves is just like screaming FIRE in a theater.

I think it should be a bannable offense

Interesting thing Deshy, while you are feigning indignation about me telling Billy to go off himself, you should know that Billy has told others to off themselves. Ironic huh bitch?
Interesting thing Deshy, while you are feigning indignation about me telling Billy to go off himself, you should know that Billy has told others to off themselves. Ironic huh bitch?

So your argument is that two wrongs make a right?
dude I know you want me dead.

its what sociopaths do with thoughts about people.

I know the only way you can force yourself to keep breathing is if you can cause preceived pain to others and pretend you can lick that pain off your poooty screen.

Its makes you feel all warm inside.

At least it keeps you from sneaking up the stares and tourturing Grammy to get you jollies.

what will you do when Grammy dies.

the rest of the family wont allow you to keep living in her basement.

they will sell and you will sail off into the streets

Poor, sick, Nazi bugger! Come over here, pretend to be British, and get help. Jesus, do you need it!
dude I know you want me dead.

its what sociopaths do with thoughts about people.

I know the only way you can force yourself to keep breathing is if you can cause preceived pain to others and pretend you can lick that pain off your poooty screen.

Its makes you feel all warm inside.

At least it keeps you from sneaking up the stares and tourturing Grammy to get you jollies.

what will you do when Grammy dies.

the rest of the family wont allow you to keep living in her basement.

they will sell and you will sail off into the streets

Deshy, where are we with you licking my bunghole clean in an effort to get me to give up wet wipes?

Also, where was your indignation when Billy told HOwey to kill himself? Selective?

Fuck off bitch

hes got his feelings hurt.

I don't remember that fight.

I don't think anyone should be telling internets posters to kill themselves.

YOU DONT REALLY KNOW about the lives of others on here.
ILA keeps saying billy should kill himself.

I think that is pure evil and he needs to have the basement door locked and sealed so he cant hurt his grandma and his internets shut off so he cant keep saying this

I know you don't like ignoring people, but ignoring ILA is necessary on this board.

hes got his feelings hurt.

I don't remember that fight.

I don't think anyone should be telling internets posters to kill themselves.

YOU DONT REALLY KNOW about the lives of others on here.

Well if you don't remember, then I guess it doesn't matter, but your hero Billy wishes people would kill themselves or die horrific deaths all the time, yet you don't complain. So shove your phony indignation up your wide ass
there is NO place for such comments in the internets world.

Lets face it folks we may THINK we know people here but in reality we don't.

Telling someone they should kill themselves is just like screaming FIRE in a theater.

I think it should be a bannable offense

I agree. But consider that there are a lot more bannable offences being committed on this forum. There is no effort being made to clean up any part of it and so it's just going to get worse. Maybe a start would be to get the admin or mods to shut down at least a part of 'big money's' worthless spamming and posting of useless threads one after another. Somebody has to take the initiative to help him. He's obviously a troubled person on a collision course and everybody seems to not mind being a part of it.

Are you suggesting that some moderation be attempted on this forum? If so then ask for it publicly and see if it gets any support.
I agree. But consider that there are a lot more bannable offences being committed on this forum. There is no effort being made to clean up any part of it and so it's just going to get worse. Maybe a start would be to get the admin or mods to shut down at least a part of 'big money's' worthless spamming and posting of useless threads one after another. Somebody has to take the initiative to help him. He's obviously a troubled person on a collision course and everybody seems to not mind being a part of it. Are you suggesting that some moderation be attempted on this forum? If so then ask for it publicly and see if it gets any support.

If you don't like the way this forum is run, maybe you should leave. You agreed to the rules when you joined.

Why don't you pass away, after confession, in your sleep?

Now you've done it, you have gone and offended Deshy. Which I find ironic given some her profanity laden tirades the last few weeks, we finally found a line even Deshy won't cross.

Truly laughable
Now you've done it, you have gone and offended Deshy. Which I find ironic given some her profanity laden tirades the last few weeks, we finally found a line even Deshy won't cross.

Truly laughable

You a ouidja board, or the Devil? Do as you are told, weirdo - you're an American yesman, aren't you? So behave like it!