I Promise Only One Thing During My Stay Here

I refuse to "groan" any person or post. It is demeaning not to the person or post being groaned but only to the groaner. Rather childish in my honest opinion. I appreciate every honest post whether I might agree with it or not. This is how I grow. The idiots? Why bother?

I refuse to "groan" any person or post. It is demeaning not to the person or post being groaned but only to the groaner. Rather childish in my honest opinion. I appreciate every honest post whether I might agree with it or not. This is how I grow. The idiots? Why bother?


Cool story bro.
There are many things posted in current events that aren't current events. Is surmising what being with Darla a current event, just for starters. Are we going to play that game, Hun?

There are many things posted in current events that aren't current events. Is surmising what being with Darla a current event, just for starters. Are we going to play that game, Hun?


Whatever man. I think you're far too emotionally invested in this but whatever.
I refuse to "groan" any person or post. It is demeaning not to the person or post being groaned but only to the groaner. Rather childish in my honest opinion. I appreciate every honest post whether I might agree with it or not. This is how I grow. The idiots? Why bother?


I'll join you in that. Whether we keep it or not, it is something suitable for McCarthyites. Wish I'd never got into it.
I have never groaned of neg repped anyone on the internets in the decade I have been roving poltical chat sites.

Im so glad the trend is catching on
Well you two are just so morally superior to the rest of us "groaners".

Don't you think, though, that it is deliberately designed for American mob (lynch) law and destructive of honest discussion? I don't feel superior - just against bullying. I got into it because some yobbo started putting groans on all my posts. Two can play at that game, I thought then, but what sort of pillocks to we get associated with thereby?
I just always felt that the words will do the job.

and yes I do think It was better of me to morally deside I would NOT use that toy to try and bludgeon people like everyone else I had seen.

I am proud I never used it.

Im proud I thought of it the moment I realized there was such a thing.

I am proud that I NEVER resorted to it.

I always will be.
I'm curious, VN, as to the origin of your nom d'plume. I find it pretty offensive, but there may be a back story to it.

Groan or don't groan, that I don't care about. But I am curious about your chosen name.