I had one of my Gentlemen pass away last night.


New member
His name was Richard. He was a Down's Syndrome person. He was as loving and caring as I've ever worked with. Great sense of humorous and a huge Steelers fan. He had alopecia, which means he didn't have a hair on his body. He was 66 years old...which is old for Down's Syndrome people. He had a myriad of physical problems....COPD, Congestive Heart Failure, Alzheimer's disease(which every Down's Syndrome gets eventually).

I worked with this gentleman for 20 out of my 24 years at my place of employment, we had a bond and I considered him not only my charge....but my friend.

When I clocked in last night, I looked at the posted schedule and noticed his spot was whited out. I knew then....but someone from 2nd shift came down the Hall and asked if I'd heard....I said no and she confirmed it. She told me his body was still there, so I dropped my backpack and went down to the living area. I told him that I loved him, kissed him on the forehead and said "I'll see you later, my friend".

I'm gonna miss him....RIP, RS.
Bless your heart.

losing a friend is never easy.

The size of the heart is really and truly the only thing that matters in human relations.

Your blessed to know that.

Im sorry for your loss
I think you just had a HIPPA violation. I understand you are sad, but this isn't the place. You don't have his families permission to do this.

For those of you that will claim I am heartless, this is not about Steelplate.

Other people deserve privacy and shouldn't be subjected to someone else's narcissism.
Bless your heart.

losing a friend is never easy.

The size of the heart is really and truly the only thing that matters in human relations.

Your blessed to know that.

Im sorry for your loss

You know, I left state employment for three years to pursue a career in Information Technology and was deep into and well regarded at the company I worked for. I had gotten a promotion to Senior Technician. And had five recharge underneath me. But even though I was good at what I did....it wasn't as fullfilling as my job now. There are things more important than money...So I went back to working with the developmentally disabled. If I were to have hit the Powerball the other night...I'd do what I do now for free.

Last night, I put a bid in for a job that will take me away from the direct care arena. It's a vocational job. Where I think I could excel at. Teaching these people new skills that may help them out in the community. It's a slight pay cut, as it's a 371/2 hour week as opposed to a 40...and there's little.opportunity for overtime. But on the plus side, I'll have weekends and holidays off. As opposed to every third weekend and holidays randomly assigned.

EDIT: thank you, btw....I'm a little loopy from my "go to sleep" medicine".
I think you just had a HIPPA violation. I understand you are sad, but this isn't the place. You don't have his families permission to do this.

For those of you that will claim I am heartless, this is not about Steelplate.

Other people deserve privacy and shouldn't be subjected to someone else's narcissism.

What did I tell you son? I am well aware of HIPPA and I did NOT break any HIPPA policies. First names are OK....initials are OK and everything I said was without context.

You're not heartless...just wrong. I understand your concern....You know where I worked when I was in the IT field? Highmark Blue Shield....I'd be willing to venture that I know my HIPPA rules better than you do.
BTW why couldn't Steelplate just say one of his patients died? Why his name? Details of his condition? Steelplate violated this patients privacy. I don't think we should reward that despite steel plates so called grief.
BTW why couldn't Steelplate just say one of his patients died? Why his name? Details of his condition? Steelplate violated this patients privacy. I don't think we should reward that despite steel plates so called grief.

Never told you his name....how many people are named.Richard?

You know what? You're a fucking scumbag. Karma is going to bite you in the ass so hard someday.....and I'll be the one who actually feels bad for you.
hes likely a very painfilled human being.

Its so very sad.

Your friend Richard was 100 times the man this guy is.
hes likely a very painfilled human being.

Its so very sad.

Your friend Richard was 100 times the man this guy is.

I don't doubt that....however, I can't help feel sorry for one so ignorant about policies and procedures and blustering about the way he does.

His whole issue is that I called him a pussy last night because he won't be a man and stand up for his convictions....he has to rely on innuendo and sleight of hand to post his racist shit.

I know my Hipaa regs. I work in the field.
Does anyone else see the hipocrisy of ILA bitching about someone posting someone else's given first name on the Internet?

It's not a violation, troll. Go away.
God knows that this isn't about my "ego". It's about losing a dear friend.

But people who only understand money and backstabbing politics don't get that....and never will.
What did I tell you son? I am well aware of HIPPA and I did NOT break any HIPPA policies. First names are OK....initials are OK and everything I said was without context.

You're not heartless...just wrong. I understand your concern....You know where I worked when I was in the IT field? Highmark Blue Shield....I'd be willing to venture that I know my HIPPA rules better than you do.

You are wrong and it is you who is the scumbag. You are too narcissistic to understand it.

Why couldn't you just come here and say one of your patients died? Why did you feel the need to give details? I am very sad for the loss of human life, but that doesn't mitigate the fact that you violated the law. You obviously don't understand HIPAA if you think you can come on a message board and tell us the patients name, age, conditions and that they died. Knowing where they lived, it wouldn't take someone too long to figure it all out if they wanted to.

No, that is not me making a threat, that is me stating a fact.

You are too consumed with getting pats on the back and replies from everybody you couldn't think through the ramifications of your actions. You are what is wrong with our society today. You are more worried with how this made YOU feel you take nobody else's thoughts or feelings into consideration.
God knows that this isn't about my "ego". It's about losing a dear friend.

But people who only understand money and backstabbing politics don't get that....and never will.

So why couldn't you say you lost a dear friend and leave it at that? Why did you need to add details such as name etc? Why?

You would have still gotten your atta boys from Howard and Desh.

This was about you. You are just mad because I called you out on your insensitivity and law breaking.

Tell ya what, if what you did wasn't wrong. Go into work tonight with a copy of your thread and show it to your supervisor. See what she or he says. See if they think it was a good idea.