APP - I guess we can discriminate against Christians now


You can't even hold a belief. I thought you couldn't be fired for your religious or political beliefs? Now personally, I believe you should be able to be fired for ANY reason. But, those aren't the rules we live under.

For example, I believe an employer should be able to fire you because you are gay, black, red, Christian, muslim etc. Of course I am consistent. Those who support these actions would have their heads explode if it was a black person.
Do you think an employer can fire a man because he is white? Or Irish? or a registered democrat?
You can't even hold a belief. I thought you couldn't be fired for your religious or political beliefs? Now personally, I believe you should be able to be fired for ANY reason. But, those aren't the rules we live under.

For example, I believe an employer should be able to fire you because you are gay, black, red, Christian, muslim etc. Of course I am consistent. Those who support these actions would have their heads explode if it was a black person.


Words have consequences.

Big surprise there...

Words have consequences.

Big surprise there...

Interesting do you apply this stance across the board or just reserve it for Christians?

Seems like he is being persecuted for his beliefs which have no bearing on his job.

Now if you believe as I do that an employer can fire someone for ANY reason and I mean ANY reason than you are being consistent. However if your position is "flexible" as I believe it just is, well then that would be a tad bit hypocritical wouldn't you agree?