I Cannot Afford Obamacare

OK, I just cannot wrap my brain around this one. the ACA (Obamacare) is supposed to save money? How the hell would it when it will surely jack up my premiums AND also consider my current medical plan to be a "Cadillac" plan and force my company to either ditch it (forcing me onto the government roles) or hike my premiums even further? I know what this is. it is a Democrats' wet dream to destroy the private health insurance sector and usher in total governmental control over ALL aspects of healthcare!!! I am soo pissed off about this it isn't funny. And we Conservatives WARNED about this bullshit long ago, but the low information morons disregarded it and elected this incompetent boob not just once, but TWICE!!!! And he has the gall to blame Republicans?? I cannot wait until the fallout and imminent defeat of Liberalism so we can say "WE TOLD YOU SO!!!"
You can't afford Obama care? Wow... What a loser.