I bet if he was handing out condoms it would have been OK

Wow; one has to make an appointment in order to exercise their free speech on college campus to something as extremist as handing out copies of the Constitution. Things have changed dramatically from my time on campus.

But this guy should have known that leftist progressives running our schools find the constitution repugnant and don't like teaching about it. They're busy churning out low information fools who vote for Democrat buffoons who pander to idiots who think they vpcan get something for nothing in a nanny state.

You have to laugh that free speech can only be conducted in a tiny concrete area. I am not shocked that such educational buffoonery occurred on a California campus. We here on the left coast turn buffoonery into an art form.
Wow; one has to make an appointment in order to exercise their free speech on college campus to something as extremist as handing out copies of the Constitution. Things have changed dramatically from my time on campus.

But this guy should have known that leftist progressives running our schools find the constitution repugnant and don't like teaching about it. They're busy churning out low information fools who vote for Democrat buffoons who pander to idiots who think they vpcan get something for nothing in a nanny state.

You have to laugh that free speech can only be conducted in a tiny concrete area. I am not shocked that such educational buffoonery occurred on a California campus. We here on the left coast turn buffoonery into an art form.

Yes the US Constitution runs counter to everything libtardiot demalquedacrats believe in