Hundreds of babies aborted today. Liberals filled with glee

in a legal discretionary abortion, nobody dies, stupid fuck. try again. go back and finish junior high biology. on the other hand, trump executed 13 live human beings on his way out the door. and his lying and incompetence about covid led to the unnecessary deaths of hundreds of thousands of Americans. live Americans, real humans, not up inside some other person's body with no brain or central nervous system, you fucking moron.
Struck a nerve.
Liberals claim abortion is a human right.
Being born? No so important

Does that sound like striking a nerve to you?

This is called MOCKING YOU. Look it up.

Being alive seems unimportant to you and pro-UNBORN-lifers. Once born, you’re on your own.
Liberals love the thought of ending life in womb

Not everyone is a christer

While conservative Christians use the Bible to argue that a fetus represents a human life, which makes abortion murder, Jews don’t believe that fetuses have souls and, therefore, terminating a pregnancy is no crime.

It’s common in this debate to hear the Christian perspective. But what’s often left out of the conversation is how Jews, who read the Hebrew Bible – referred to in Christian circles as the Old Testament – argue that their tradition condones abortion. Sometimes, if the mother's life is at stake, it even insists on it.

The Talmud, a two-part Jewish text comprised of centuries worth of thought, debate and discussion, is also helpful when discussing abortion. The Talmud explains that for the first 40 days of a woman’s pregnancy, the fetus is considered “mere fluid” and considered part of the mother until birth. The baby is considered a nefesh – Hebrew for “soul” or “spirit” – once its head has emerged, and not before.

All Israeli women seeking to terminate a pregnancy (and have it paid for through state health insurance) must appear before a three-person committee, but in practice nearly all requests are granted. There are no laws limiting when an abortion can be performed, and a woman whose request is denied by the committee can still seek an abortion at a private clinic. Estimates are that about half the abortions performed in Israel are done in private clinics. As of 2014, abortions were paid for entirely by the state for women aged 20 to 33, and subsidized abortions were granted for those outside that age range.