Human Rights

Does America have better Human Rights Record Then China this century? (past 13 years)

  • Yes

    Votes: 5 62.5%
  • NO

    Votes: 3 37.5%

  • Total voters

Reverend Bones

Pikachu is of the devil!
Does America have a better Human rights record then China this century? (These past 13 years, 21st century.) America has invaded Iraq and Afghanistan and committed all kinds of unspeakable evil. We killed thousands of people in those countries. Many only cared about their own country and had no interest in America what soever. We also took out Gaddafi and ruined the lives of over 5 million people in a country of only 6.5 million. The United States launches drone strikes all over the world and constantly kills innocent people. We also spy on everyone in the world. The United States has no respect for the citizens of other countries. We may have a good internal record but our external record is terrible. Also other countries have no international obligation to have the same internal standards as us. The United States like every other country is obligated to have a higher standard while occupying a foreign country then it does when dealing with domestic threats when regarding to international law. Its one thing to kill your own citizens but it is actually worst the kill people in other countries. National boundaries imply that the citizens of that country are off limits to another country. When you kill a human you are still killing a human. America may be really strong on national security but that also makes us bad when it comes to human rights. America

China has not invaded another country. They have not killed as many people as America. The Tibetans are Chinese citizens and so is everyone else in China. People advocating democracy are technically calling for the over throw of the government. China also deals with separatists and Islamic extremists. Democracy advocates are often placed in jail or put under house arrest. The French Revolutionaries were democracy advocats and they liked cutting off heads. 100,000 people in the Paris area we sent the guillotine and others were shot across France, a French city was seized and then burned to the ground. Just because someone advocates democracy does not make them a good person.

America wasn't very harsh to American communists during the cold war because they were never a serious threat to the government. We did spy on the communists and black listed people in Hollywood. We were prepared to do much more if they ever became truly dangerous. America would react to any group that threatened to destroy the government in ways similar to China. The government is currently stock piling ammunition because it fears a Tea Party insurgency. If Right Wing extremists did launch an attack on our government would are government not over react.

Are government has not accomplished anything this century will China has accomplished a lot. They have more then doubled their economy, their infrastructure is becoming better the America's, their standard of living is up and so is education and life expectancy. China's economy is the second largest in the world and will eventually over take us. America's life expectancy has flat lined, are education system has gotten worst, are health care has gotten worst, are economy only grows at 2% while China grows at 7.5%. America's debt is over 100% of GDP. China's average wages rapidly rise while America's decline.
Does America have a better Human rights record then China this century? (These past 13 years, 21st century.) America has invaded Iraq and Afghanistan and committed all kinds of unspeakable evil. We killed thousands of people in those countries. Many only cared about their own country and had no interest in America what soever. We also took out Gaddafi and ruined the lives of over 5 million people in a country of only 6.5 million. The United States launches drone strikes all over the world and constantly kills innocent people. We also spy on everyone in the world. The United States has no respect for the citizens of other countries. We may have a good internal record but our external record is terrible. Also other countries have no international obligation to have the same internal standards as us. The United States like every other country is obligated to have a higher standard while occupying a foreign country then it does when dealing with domestic threats when regarding to international law. Its one thing to kill your own citizens but it is actually worst the kill people in other countries. National boundaries imply that the citizens of that country are off limits to another country. When you kill a human you are still killing a human. America may be really strong on national security but that also makes us bad when it comes to human rights. America

China has not invaded another country. They have not killed as many people as America. The Tibetans are Chinese citizens and so is everyone else in China. People advocating democracy are technically calling for the over throw of the government. China also deals with separatists and Islamic extremists. Democracy advocates are often placed in jail or put under house arrest. The French Revolutionaries were democracy advocats and they liked cutting off heads. 100,000 people in the Paris area we sent the guillotine and others were shot across France, a French city was seized and then burned to the ground. Just because someone advocates democracy does not make them a good person.

America wasn't very harsh to American communists during the cold war because they were never a serious threat to the government. We did spy on the communists and black listed people in Hollywood. We were prepared to do much more if they ever became truly dangerous. America would react to any group that threatened to destroy the government in ways similar to China. The government is currently stock piling ammunition because it fears a Tea Party insurgency. If Right Wing extremists did launch an attack on our government would are government not over react.

Are government has not accomplished anything this century will China has accomplished a lot. They have more then doubled their economy, their infrastructure is becoming better the America's, their standard of living is up and so is education and life expectancy. China's economy is the second largest in the world and will eventually over take us. America's life expectancy has flat lined, are education system has gotten worst, are health care has gotten worst, are economy only grows at 2% while China grows at 7.5%. America's debt is over 100% of GDP. China's average wages rapidly rise while America's decline.

You're full of shit.
Go ask a Tibetan if they're Chinese.
You're full of shit.
Go ask a Tibetan if they're Chinese.

They are Chinese citizens. Not every American values their citizenship. Tibet has been part of China for a very long time. China lost control of Tibet in 1900 and retook it in 1950. Tibet was part of China well before the Louisiana purchase. Ask the Iraqi's or the Libyans if there happy. America kills people all over the world. America constantly kills innocent people. We have killed more innocent people then China has in the past 13 years.
They are Chinese citizens. Not every American values their citizenship. Tibet has been part of China for a very long time. China lost control of Tibet in 1900 and retook it in 1950. Tibet was part of China well before the Louisiana purchase. Ask the Iraqi's or the Libyans if there happy. America kills people all over the world. America constantly kills innocent people. We have killed more innocent people then China has in the past 13 years.

Key word there was "was".

Parts of Europe were at one time the property of someone other then who is there now.
You've admitted that they lost control in 1900; ergo: no longer part of China.

Does France still have a claim on Mexico, since it "was" part of areas that the French controlled.
<no question mark; because none was needed>
Key word there was "was".

Parts of Europe were at one time the property of someone other then who is there now.
You've admitted that they lost control in 1900; ergo: no longer part of China.

Does France still have a claim on Mexico, since it "was" part of areas that the French controlled.
<no question mark; because none was needed>

The central government lost control of many parts of China. China became dominated by warlords. China had a revolution in 1911. Tibet never gained independence. America during WW2 recognized Tibet as being part of China. Chiang Kai-Shek intended to regain control of Tibet. Mao won the civil war so he retook control of Tibet. If the nationalists had won they would have retaken Tibet. America recognized the borders of Chiang kai-Shek empire which included Tibet and the entire far west. The exact borders were never recognized which is why China has border disputes but in general America and the U.N recognized China's borders. France never actually claimed Mexico they were merely allied with the emperor of Mexico. So that was a bad example. European countries were always forced to recognize lost territory. China merely withdrew its troops and bureaucrats but never recognized any independence and neither did any other country. Tibet was never an independent country.
America forced everyone to assimilate. We asked people to get over their ethnic identities and used force when necessary. America did what was necessary to take the west and to retake the South. The vast majority of Tibetans were born in the People's Republic of China. The South West was taken from Mexico and everyone was forced to become an American. 60 years later the entire region was fully American.
The central government lost control of many parts of China. China became dominated by warlords. China had a revolution in 1911. Tibet never gained independence. America during WW2 recognized Tibet as being part of China. Chiang Kai-Shek intended to regain control of Tibet. Mao won the civil war so he retook control of Tibet. If the nationalists had won they would have retaken Tibet. America recognized the borders of Chiang kai-Shek empire which included Tibet and the entire far west. The exact borders were never recognized which is why China has border disputes but in general America and the U.N recognized China's borders. France never actually claimed Mexico they were merely allied with the emperor of Mexico. So that was a bad example. European countries were always forced to recognize lost territory. China merely withdrew its troops and bureaucrats but never recognized any independence and neither did any other country. Tibet was never an independent country.
America forced everyone to assimilate. We asked people to get over their ethnic identities and used force when necessary. America did what was necessary to take the west and to retake the South. The vast majority of Tibetans were born in the People's Republic of China. The South West was taken from Mexico and everyone was forced to become an American. 60 years later the entire region was fully American.

And yet, you continue to recognize the meaning of the word "WAS"; ie: as in used to be, but is no longer.
And yet, you continue to recognize the meaning of the word "WAS"; ie: as in used to be, but is no longer.

Tibet is now part of China and they are Chinese citizens. NOW as in NOW. The 20th century is history. What in the 21st century these past 13 years has China done to give them a worst human rights record then the United States. The United States has done more terrible things then China in the past 13 years. China has a bad human rights record this century America's is simply wost. China could potentially have a worst record in the next 10 years. A Civil War could break out in China. Right now China's record is much more clean then America's. China's and America's 19th and 20th century records are irrelevant. I am talking about their 21st century human rights records. Switzerland has had the best human rights record for the past 200 years. I compare America to China because China does have a bad human rights record this century.
Tibet is now part of China and they are Chinese citizens. NOW as in NOW. The 20th century is history. What in the 21st century these past 13 years has China done to give them a worst human rights record then the United States. The United States has done more terrible things then China in the past 13 years. China has a bad human rights record this century America's is simply wost. China could potentially have a worst record in the next 10 years. A Civil War could break out in China. Right now China's record is much more clean then America's. China's and America's 19th and 20th century records are irrelevant. I am talking about their 21st century human rights records. Switzerland has had the best human rights record for the past 200 years. I compare America to China because China does have a bad human rights record this century.

So invading a country, occupying it, and committing genocide against the population now makes another country part of the occupying country; according to your myopic logic. :palm:
Good thread Reverand. Thankyou.

Someone has to speak the truth about American genocide, which has continued under Obama.
So invading a country, occupying it, and committing genocide against the population now makes another country part of the occupying country; according to your myopic logic. :palm:

The U.N made it illegal for countries to conquer each other but they recognized Tibet as being part of China so therefore its not a conquered nation. Just like how Hawaii and Alaska are part of the United States. Do you not understand that nations following WW2 had generally established boundaries. The entire world has recognized that Tibet is part of China. There has not actually been any genocide. Tibet was just as screwed over as any part of China by Mao and the cultural revolution. There have been severe human rights violations but no established case of genocide. Tibetans that have become resistance fighters have been killed. Any Tibetans supported independence faces imprisonment. The Tibetans placed their culture above their country so naturally the government has tried to destroy it. America has done the same. America treated the Native Americans fare worst then China has treated the Tibetans. Nothing has really happened in Tibet in the past 21st century. Is Libya better off because we destroyed that country? Every ethnic group in America was forced to assimilate. America has a history of ethnic and racial conflict. In the past 13 years what has China done that compared with destroying other countries. Do you believe that Libya is better off because of are launching of air strikes all across the country. Try justifying what America has done throughout the world rather then just attacking China. We invaded Iraq and destroyed Libya. We have killed many innocent civilians in the process. Iraq is still unstable. China has not gone to war in over 30 years. America is constantly at war. Americans have no clue why we really invaded Iraq. There were no terrorists in Iraq until after we destroyed the Iraqi army.
The U.N made it illegal for countries to conquer each other but they recognized Tibet as being part of China so therefore its not a conquered nation. Just like how Hawaii and Alaska are part of the United States. Do you not understand that nations following WW2 had generally established boundaries. The entire world has recognized that Tibet is part of China. There has not actually been any genocide. Tibet was just as screwed over as any part of China by Mao and the cultural revolution. There have been severe human rights violations but no established case of genocide. Tibetans that have become resistance fighters have been killed. Any Tibetans supported independence faces imprisonment. The Tibetans placed their culture above their country so naturally the government has tried to destroy it. America has done the same. America treated the Native Americans fare worst then China has treated the Tibetans. Nothing has really happened in Tibet in the past 21st century. Is Libya better off because we destroyed that country? Every ethnic group in America was forced to assimilate. America has a history of ethnic and racial conflict. In the past 13 years what has China done that compared with destroying other countries. Do you believe that Libya is better off because of are launching of air strikes all across the country. Try justifying what America has done throughout the world rather then just attacking China. We invaded Iraq and destroyed Libya. We have killed many innocent civilians in the process. Iraq is still unstable. China has not gone to war in over 30 years. America is constantly at war. Americans have no clue why we really invaded Iraq. There were no terrorists in Iraq until after we destroyed the Iraqi army.

And you have yet to show that the Tibetans feel that they are Chinese.

Tibet emerged in the 7th century as a unified empire
And you have yet to show that the Tibetans feel that they are Chinese.

Tibet emerged in the 7th century as a unified empire

Did the Native Americans, the blacks, or the Chinese feel American in the 19th century. Does everyone in America feel American. Many Americans are afraid that Muslims don't considered themselves to be Americans and will start trying to kill us. The Japanese were put into Internment camps did that make them feel American. China has existed for over 3,000 years America has existed for less then 250. Feeling American isn't a requirement to be an American. Many people have accused liberals and hippies of hatting this country. Americans have even joined Al-Qaeda. Obama even killed an American with a drone. The Southerners in the 1800's didn't feel American.
A lot of people throughout the world hate Americans because we keep killing people all the time.
Did the Native Americans, the blacks, or the Chinese feel American in the 19th century. Does everyone in America feel American. Many Americans are afraid that Muslims don't considered themselves to be Americans and will start trying to kill us. The Japanese were put into Internment camps did that make them feel American. China has existed for over 3,000 years America has existed for less then 250. Feeling American isn't a requirement to be an American. Many people have accused liberals and hippies of hatting this country. Americans have even joined Al-Qaeda. Obama even killed an American with a drone. The Southerners in the 1800's didn't feel American.
A lot of people throughout the world hate Americans because we keep killing people all the time.

China is using a number of countries in Africa and Asia as slave labour. The recent election in Zimbabwe was bought for Mugabe by the Chinese. China is basically starting a new empire but there are many that are reluctant to recognise it for what it is.
China is using a number of countries in Africa and Asia as slave labour. The recent election in Zimbabwe was bought for Mugabe by the Chinese. China is basically starting a new empire but there are many that are reluctant to recognise it for what it is.

American and European companies have used Africans as slave labor. Europe colonized Africa and screwed that place up. The CIA has interfered in other countries elections. The CIA has given money to warlords, drug dealers, terrorists and criminals.
Did the Native Americans, the blacks, or the Chinese feel American in the 19th century. Does everyone in America feel American. Many Americans are afraid that Muslims don't considered themselves to be Americans and will start trying to kill us. The Japanese were put into Internment camps did that make them feel American. China has existed for over 3,000 years America has existed for less then 250. Feeling American isn't a requirement to be an American. Many people have accused liberals and hippies of hatting this country. Americans have even joined Al-Qaeda. Obama even killed an American with a drone. The Southerners in the 1800's didn't feel American.
A lot of people throughout the world hate Americans because we keep killing people all the time.

But we're talking about now and you tried to make it appear that Tibet had never been a country unto its self and now that you've been spanked, over the issue, you've obviously decided to drag everyone else into your strawman.

This would have been much easier; if you would have just stated, at the beginning, that you don't really care about the Tibetans and that you love the Chinese.
But we're talking about now and you tried to make it appear that Tibet had never been a country unto its self and now that you've been spanked, over the issue, you've obviously decided to drag everyone else into your strawman.

This would have been much easier; if you would have just stated, at the beginning, that you don't really care about the Tibetans and that you love the Chinese.

How much more now could I have been. I was talking about the 21st century the past 13 years. The Tibetans are Chinese citizens. I didn't say China had a perfect human rights record this century I said that America had a worst won. Why do you not care about the Libyans or the Iraqis. America has oppressed a greater number of people then China. We have killed far more people then China. America may have been strong on nationals security but that makes us weak on human rights. Having a worst human rights record then China is not a good thing. Hawaii was once its own country. The point is not human rights violations before the year 2000 but human rights violations following 2000. In the 21st century do you really believe that China has a worst human rights record then America?
How much more now could I have been. I was talking about the 21st century the past 13 years. The Tibetans are Chinese citizens. I didn't say China had a perfect human rights record this century I said that America had a worst won. Why do you not care about the Libyans or the Iraqis. America has oppressed a greater number of people then China. We have killed far more people then China. America may have been strong on nationals security but that makes us weak on human rights. Having a worst human rights record then China is not a good thing. Hawaii was once its own country. The point is not human rights violations before the year 2000 but human rights violations following 2000. In the 21st century do you really believe that China has a worst human rights record then America?

Snce nothing exists beyond 13 years ago, that would make you 12.
Snce nothing exists beyond 13 years ago, that would make you 12.

A new century wipes the slate clean and America got its slate dirty. China has done some bad things this century they just don't compare with all the terrible things we've done. Bush and Obama both killed far more people then Hu Jintao. China has been in a state of piece while America has been destroying other countries.

We don't just launch air stikes and invasions, we also play economic warfare against countries in Latin America and Africa. We create poverty in countries that are not pursuing weapons of mass destruction. What has Cuba done to deserve to be put in poverty by America. The average Cuban doesn't benefit from economic sanctions. Economic sanctions don't help ordinary people. Economic sanctions are designed to destroy a countries economy. Americans are un happy when are economy grows slowly and its the same for the rest of the people in the world. Revolutions happen during weak economic times so the U.S tries to destroy other countries by destroying their economy. Economic sanctions can be used to force other countries to abandoned aggressive actions or give up weapons programs. Sanctions aren’t humanitarian. Sanctions can cost people jobs and lives. No one is made better off by sanctions that why sanctions can be effective. Sanctions hurt all classes.
A new century wipes the slate clean and America got its slate dirty. China has done some bad things this century they just don't compare with all the terrible things we've done. Bush and Obama both killed far more people then Hu Jintao. China has been in a state of piece while America has been destroying other countries.

We don't just launch air stikes and invasions, we also play economic warfare against countries in Latin America and Africa. We create poverty in countries that are not pursuing weapons of mass destruction. What has Cuba done to deserve to be put in poverty by America. The average Cuban doesn't benefit from economic sanctions. Economic sanctions don't help ordinary people. Economic sanctions are designed to destroy a countries economy. Americans are un happy when are economy grows slowly and its the same for the rest of the people in the world. Revolutions happen during weak economic times so the U.S tries to destroy other countries by destroying their economy. Economic sanctions can be used to force other countries to abandoned aggressive actions or give up weapons programs. Sanctions aren’t humanitarian. Sanctions can cost people jobs and lives. No one is made better off by sanctions that why sanctions can be effective. Sanctions hurt all classes.

Before any part of your diatribe is to be even considered, you're going to have to provide something to support your asinine theory regarding a new century wiping the slate clean.
American and European companies have used Africans as slave labor. Europe colonized Africa and screwed that place up. The CIA has interfered in other countries elections. The CIA has given money to warlords, drug dealers, terrorists and criminals.

I thought you were talking about this century?