Huddle up and cuddle up ...


Verified User
It is very interesting to see the very people who purport to put free speech above everything, as if some Medal of Honour. Then to watch these same people dish out bucket loads of vitriol, no limits, juts vile, hatred, and then watch them cave in like gossemer wings hitting the Empire State Building, when they are challenged. You can see them cave in.
These same people will be the first to say the strongly oppose hate speech. Yet, they say things such as: "DIE YOU FUCKTARD" LOL
and much more ... just because they are challenged. Thats all.
Well, I feel I have donated a few anti Biden and anti leftie Dembo posts and threads but I realise you are a waste of space. You are evil. You have no moral compass (I am referring to the leftie DEmbos on here) you are devoid of character and truth.
You operate fully as ideologues and are blinded by any opposing position which pricks at your thin skin.
I have to pick up my boat and sail it around Europe finishing in the Eastern Mediterranean. So this is a good time to leave you leftie morons to waddle in your own shite.

I hope I have done my bit for the good of the world. I belong to a number of forums and I have my own Facebook discussion forum with only 12,000 members and not once has anyone expressed the double standard.. you lefties promote in each other.
I am trying not to get upset as I say goodbye... the tears are running down my handsome face.
Remember; When you see an Apple Tree dont be shocked it produces Apples... I am never shocked.
It is very interesting to see the very people who purport to put free speech above everything, as if some Medal of Honour. Then to watch these same people dish out bucket loads of vitriol, no limits, juts vile, hatred, and then watch them cave in like gossemer wings hitting the Empire State Building, when they are challenged. You can see them cave in.
These same people will be the first to say the strongly oppose hate speech. Yet, they say things such as: "DIE YOU FUCKTARD" LOL
and much more ... just because they are challenged. Thats all.
Well, I feel I have donated a few anti Biden and anti leftie Dembo posts and threads but I realise you are a waste of space. You are evil. You have no moral compass (I am referring to the leftie DEmbos on here) you are devoid of character and truth.
You operate fully as ideologues and are blinded by any opposing position which pricks at your thin skin.
I have to pick up my boat and sail it around Europe finishing in the Eastern Mediterranean. So this is a good time to leave you leftie morons to waddle in your own shite.

I hope I have done my bit for the good of the world. I belong to a number of forums and I have my own Facebook discussion forum with only 12,000 members and not once has anyone expressed the double standard.. you lefties promote in each other.
I am trying not to get upset as I say goodbye... the tears are running down my handsome face.
Remember; When you see an Apple Tree dont be shocked it produces Apples... I am never shocked.
A lot of folks can’t handle it here. Best of luck to you.
A lot of folks can’t handle it here. Best of luck to you.

I honestly dont think that is the case most of the time. I think they just dont want any part of some of the things that go on here. They feel they are above that sort of thing and are just a lot better people. They are probably quite correct. I mean, you ever see an honest to goodness REAL family man hanging around a whore house? No. Do you see an upright good kid with his head screwed on straight spending time at a crack house? No,....sure dont. Same thing........