HR 127 is a way to confiscate guns

Won't pass, it's a pipe dream even with control of all three houses and you cannot demand licensing of a right.
How many threads on fanciful gun confiscation. We have more guns than people and we are selling millions more every month. You guys cry and cry and nothing ever happens. Your metal manhood will be safe.
Right wing domestic terrorist are criminals, and shouldn't be allowed to have firearms.

And left wing domestic terrorists are seditious motherfuckers who shouldn't be allowed out with decent people. Go fuck yourself queer boy
How many threads on fanciful gun confiscation. We have more guns than people and we are selling millions more every month. You guys cry and cry and nothing ever happens. Your metal manhood will be safe.

But you stupid thumbsucking fuckers keep putting more restrictions on it dont you?
Right wing domestic terrorist are criminals, and shouldn't be allowed to have firearms.

how about left wing domestic terrorists should they be allowed guns?

Do you think people should get due process or just a door to door confiscation?
How many threads on fanciful gun confiscation. We have more guns than people and we are selling millions more every month. You guys cry and cry and nothing ever happens. Your metal manhood will be safe.

Greatest sales promo the gun manufacturers ever came up with, if a Democrat occupies 1600 Pennsylvania Ave, they’re coming to take your guns away, all they have to do is plant the innuendo and it will echo throughout the right wing, and the cash registers go cha-ching over and over again
Won't pass, it's a pipe dream even with control of all three houses and you cannot demand licensing of a right.

I agree its unlikely to pass both the house and senate , it brings up a lot of constitutional issue and the supreme court would kill it if it passed or blow hole joe tried using one of his dictator decrees
Greatest sales promo the gun manufacturers ever came up with, if a Democrat occupies 1600 Pennsylvania Ave, they’re coming to take your guns away, all they have to do is plant the innuendo and it will echo throughout the right wing, and the cash registers go cha-ching over and over again

if you would have enough common sense to read the bill and be able to comprehend it you would know its basically a bill the=at leads to confiscation . but your to fucking stupid to comprehend it