How Weird Christian Right Beliefs Impact America


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And one could never replace the church or the words Jesus, Republican and FB with a plethora of others?

Interchangeable joke is unremarkable.
Doesn't Obama claim to be a Christian...?....His wife ? His children ?....
the Clintons ?....Harry Reid's Morman, maybe that a weird "christian"....
How about Pelosi and Kerry, are then Christians....

I wonder how many dems claim to be other than Christian ?....
do Christian "rights" have a different religion than Christian "lefts"....
or do they have a different Christ and a different God ?

questions, questions, questions....
Doesn't Obama claim to be a Christian...?....His wife ? His children ?....
the Clintons ?....Harry Reid's Morman, maybe that a weird "christian"....
How about Pelosi and Kerry, are then Christians....

I wonder how many dems claim to be other than Christian ?....
do Christian "rights" have a different religion than Christian "lefts"....
or do they have a different Christ and a different God ?

questions, questions, questions....

How about a much different interpretation?
Doesn't Obama claim to be a Christian...?....His wife ? His children ?....
the Clintons ?....Harry Reid's Morman, maybe that a weird "christian"....
How about Pelosi and Kerry, are then Christians....

I wonder how many dems claim to be other than Christian ?....
do Christian "rights" have a different religion than Christian "lefts"....
or do they have a different Christ and a different God ?

questions, questions, questions....

So do Reid, Obama, Romney, etc have" the belief that Syria’s conflict is a sign of the end times" ? Or "belief that women’s brains get flooded with oxytocin when they have premarital sex, which makes them less capable of falling in love. " or follow Akins' belief that women don't get pregnant if it's a "legitimate rape"?

Did you read the op? It's not about all Xtians - it's about the ones whose beliefs are not in the norm. And it's how their beliefs - which are dead wrong a lot of the time - are influencing politicians

Or did you just want to rant without reading it?
So do Reid, Obama, Romney, etc have" the belief that Syria’s conflict is a sign of the end times" ? Or "belief that women’s brains get flooded with oxytocin when they have premarital sex, which makes them less capable of falling in love. " or follow Akins' belief that women don't get pregnant if it's a "legitimate rape"?

Reid, Obama, etc....ya got me....I never heard them say exactly what they believe....nor do I know even a single Christian, or even a single person that believes
your next claim.....and Akins'.....he sounds like a loon to me....of those I know a few, left and right, black or white, male and female....many on this site.

Did you read the op? It's not about all Xtians - it's about the ones whose beliefs are not in the norm. And it's how their beliefs - which are dead wrong a lot of the time - are influencing politicians

Or did you just want to rant without reading it?

Xtians ? Are you afraid to spell the word Christ ?....thats freaking weird in itself.

Well, there are loons all over.....Jews, Muslims, Christians, etc....and because we have about 75 to 80% of the population claiming to be Christian, we
certainly are more familiar with the loons within that group.....I hear about them all, but never met one personally.....

probably because I shy away from religious debate....I admit being biblically illiterate....and being agnostic.....but I don't fear them as do lefties.....

I don't see them influencing our government to a worrisome degree as I see the Socialists and Communists influence the government....
THAT influence is obvious and in ways that far outnumber the minor influence of Christians.....
Even the founding fathers believed in some higher power, God if you will....our history is rife with that influence. And because of where they came from,
learned customs and certainly were exposed to religions beliefs from childhood, I'd say their Chiristian incluence is what created this country.
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Ya gotta love when Americans fight amongst themselves and expose their hypocrisy in public.

Baby jesus would be proud!
Doesn't Obama claim to be a Christian...?....His wife ? His children ?....
the Clintons ?....Harry Reid's Morman, maybe that a weird "christian"....
How about Pelosi and Kerry, are then Christians....

I wonder how many dems claim to be other than Christian ?....
do Christian "rights" have a different religion than Christian "lefts"....
or do they have a different Christ and a different God ?

questions, questions, questions....
. There are Right Wing Christans... Then there is the remainder of Christanity!
Doesn't Obama claim to be a Christian...?....His wife ? His children ?....
the Clintons ?....Harry Reid's Morman, maybe that a weird "christian"....
How about Pelosi and Kerry, are then Christians....

I wonder how many dems claim to be other than Christian ?....
do Christian "rights" have a different religion than Christian "lefts"....
or do they have a different Christ and a different God ?

questions, questions, questions....

their jesus is made of money and is a 1%er.

he would NEVER help people because its bad for them