How to get ahead in today's Liberal run colleges: Burn the Flag and Constitution!


"A University of Maine student alleges her former professor offered extra credit to class members if they burned the American flag or the U.S. Constitution or were arrested defending free speech.

On the first day of class, associate professor Paul Grosswiler offered the credit to members of his History of Mass Communications class, according to sophomore Rebekah McDade. Disturbed by the comment, McDade dropped the class and intends to take the course again next semester with a different professor.

"I was offended," McDade said Friday. "I come from a family of military men and women, and the flag and Constitution are really important symbols to me because of my family background."

When Grosswiler listed the extra-credit opportunities, McDade said the class of approximately 50 students grew very quiet, and some questioned whether he was serious.

At first, student Kathleen Dame said she thought Grosswiler was joking, but then he went on to explain to the class that burning the flag was not illegal. While Grosswiler approached the topic in a serious manner, Dame said she felt he used it as a tool to educate the class on the First Amendment."
The conservatives won't be happy until education is replaced with indoctrination, conservative indoctrination of course. Perhaps Ms McDade should be introduced to the idea of "education" for her own benefit, she may realise that the strange feeling she feels in unversity classes is being allowed to think freely, it could be a new experience for her.
Sure I find it offensive. But...
This isn't even about disagreeing as to the freedom to do something or freedom to think as Caesar, Watermark or Diuretic opine.
This is about COERCING someone to do those actions for better grades - how could you possibly defend THAT?
"A University of Maine student alleges her former professor offered extra credit to class members if they burned the American flag or the U.S. Constitution or were arrested defending free speech.

"I was offended," McDade said Friday. "I come from a family of military men and women...

U.S. Code, Title 4, Chapter 1, Section 8:

subsection (k): "The flag, when it is in such condition that it is no longer a fitting emblem for display, should be destroyed in a dignified way, preferably by burning."

"A University of Maine student alleges her former professor offered extra credit to class members if they burned the American flag or the U.S. Constitution or were arrested defending free speech.

"I was offended," McDade said Friday. "I come from a family of military men and women...

It's called "context" stupid, they are not destroying a flag that they no longer need but doing it to get extra grades.
How fucking stupid can your dumbass be to not see such a blatant difference? And you got anything for how to burn your constitution?
Take a seat.
Sure I find it offensive. But...
This isn't even about disagreeing as to the freedom to do something or freedom to think as Caesar, Watermark or Diuretic opine.
This is about COERCING someone to do those actions for better grades - how could you possibly defend THAT?

Since he didn't do it I think the point's moot. I bet David Horowitz is spewing mad now.
Since he didn't do it I think the point's moot. I bet David Horowitz is spewing mad now.

Perhaps not yet, but he certainly showed his bias for what type of thinking is going to get students better grades.
Horowitz being a former left-wing academic, is doing a great service with the documenting he has done of left-wing bias in higher learning and trying to rid it.

I'm surprised you know of him in Australia, did you ever read any of his books? His work on Second Thoughts About the '60s with Peter Collier related big to me as I also thought a lot about the leftism that I left behind and seeing it for what it truly was.
People who burn flags should get extra credit. It should be a federal law.
How much grade inflation do I get for burning you? Don't worry I'll stick to using words to do that, it's much easier, especially with your newly revived dorky Socialism.
How much grade inflation do I get for burning you? Don't worry I'll stick to using words to do that, it's much easier, especially with your newly revived dorky Socialism.

Then again, if I were a professor, I would identify all the liberal candidates running my precict, ask for students to give me a reproduction of their ballot, and if they didn't vote or voted for anyone other than the liberals they would get an "F" in the class. That's how conservatives work, I believe, negative instead of positive reinforcement, and I believe you'd find such a scenario more acceptable.

Seriously, just because I'm unpatriotic scum doesn't mean I'm a socialist. I love freedom and capitalism and that's why I hate America because it's the opposite of that. America is fascism and corporatism.
Perhaps not yet, but he certainly showed his bias for what type of thinking is going to get students better grades.
Horowitz being a former left-wing academic, is doing a great service with the documenting he has done of left-wing bias in higher learning and trying to rid it.

I'm surprised you know of him in Australia, did you ever read any of his books? His work on Second Thoughts About the '60s with Peter Collier related big to me as I also thought a lot about the leftism that I left behind and seeing it for what it truly was.

I've not read any of his books, merely checked out his website and essays on line when I can find them. He's an interesting character (Horowitz), I suspect he was indoctrinated by his parents and has now reacted violently (metaphorically speaking) against what I would think was an oppressive upbringing. Hey but what would I know, I'm no shrink.

You left the left? (Sorry, I couldn't pass that up). You didn't stick around and help to boot out the lunatics?
Since he didn't do it I think the point's moot. I bet David Horowitz is spewing mad now.

No, the point is that the assignment was given, and that remains true regardless of one students lack of participation. Work on your critical thinking skills.
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No, the point is that the assignment was given, and that remains true regardless of one students lack of participation. Work on your critical thinking skills.

Was it given? Or was it allegedly given?

Now at this juncture I might write, "work on your reading skills", but me being a bit cautious and a notorious skimmer of articles (as well as being cynical), I may not come right out with that statement. But I could pen a wordy little paragraph that gave myself the edge so that if you really didn't comprehend the article fully in the link I could rip into you but I would also ensure that my response gave me an out just in case I was wrong.

The question is, did I do that? Or did I just set you up?
Was it given? Or was it allegedly given?

Now at this juncture I might write, "work on your reading skills", but me being a bit cautious and a notorious skimmer of articles (as well as being cynical), I may not come right out with that statement. But I could pen a wordy little paragraph that gave myself the edge so that if you really didn't comprehend the article fully in the link I could rip into you but I would also ensure that my response gave me an out just in case I was wrong.

The question is, did I do that? Or did I just set you up?

Yes, douche. The possibilities are endless. Whether or not someone completed this assignment is not relevant to it's outrageousness, despite your bullshit above.