how to fix the SS shortfall for dummies


I can solve this all.

why is it low

worker to retiree ratio

Get more jobs going and add workers.

How do we do that?

make long term law abiding illegals legal and build infrastructure.


yes tax them.

I don't think SS should go to people above a certain level of income.

I think that fact that they saw the benefit of the work of many many people who work to get that much money is enough of a reward fro them
Soap taste like shit.
Yes you can make many changes without affecting poor and middle class.
Why the hell is only the first 100,000 taxed
My last ten years working was like getting 2 raises annually that not being taxed.
Another blasphemous statement by me.
Upper middle class already has too much in tax breaks
Social Security was intended to be for people that worked all their lives paid something into the system that did not have private pensions nor did they make enough earnings to acutally save enough to live on their own when they could no longer work.
Disability Social Security is what destroyed Social Security. People in their 20s on DSS for their entire lives and not paying a red cent into it. Drug Addicts diagnosed with mental disorders, people with aids that deemed unable to work. All people that say they cant work and dont get disability because they didnt work to qualify for it.
Everyone knows a guy getting Disability social security that climbs trees and trims branchs under the hat and does re roofing and lawn care etc etc.
The dems and gop raiding social security for decades was icing on the cake. The opposition from seniors that worked and paid for social security their entire lives is not misquided or greedy.
They actually earned theirs.
Im not for another reagan amnestly taft but taxing the rich who use what our taxes pay for to make their money and operate their business isnt blasphemy.
Good thing there are people that are willing to work for a wage they cant live on, or the rich would have to clean their own toilets and wipe their own ass's and we know they arent capable or willing to build infrastructure and blds like the twin towers and get their hands dirty or break their backs to make their hunderds of millions. Somehow I just cant get my heart to bleed for them paying a few more bucks instead of taking them.
I know people who have been illegal for decades and have done NOTHING but work their asses off and added to their community in many ways.

Hell yes we should do a form of amnesty.

It would save this country mountains of money to do so
I can't believe I'm saying this
Tax millionaires benefits

Just the same ole liberal same ole.

Punish those who live responsibly and save for their retirements and reward those who live recklessly, buy a new car every two years, etc.

Punish self sufficiency, reward government dependency.
I can solve this all.

why is it low

worker to retiree ratio

Get more jobs going and add workers.

How do we do that?

make long term law abiding illegals legal and build infrastructure.



WOW! You should really be in one of those democrat party think tanks. That is genius. More taxes. Who could have dreamed that up?

All these people trying to figure out how to cover $87 trillion in unfunded liabilities.
WOW! You should really be in one of those democrat party think tanks. That is genius. More taxes. Who could have dreamed that up?

All these people trying to figure out how to cover $87 trillion in unfunded liabilities.

making these people legal will add to the SS coffers dude.

Building infrastructure Is what a sane country does.

You just don't sit around and let the place crumble unless you really do want to weaken the country until you can kill it outright
means testing (reduce benefits to those over poverty level, increase benefits to those under), no cap (overall rate would go down), get rid of EIC and make first $30k earned exempt from SS and Medicare instead (likely a net wash in revenue)......this fix would make it more of a safety net and would potentially cost LESS than we currently pay.......
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