How the GOP failed us

Who in hell is going to watch a video from "newsmax" other than a Trump lemming?

Well, I did. And while I disagree with her politics she did impress with her demeanor and she seems informed and articulate.

I really do not know much about her, but she is exactly the type of Republican that could present a serious challenge to the Dems in 2024.

Don't shoot the messenger, but I give credit where is it is due and I pride myself on knowing what I can about those with differing views, thinking I will need to do some research on her.

Oh, and while it means little, she is not hard on the eyes, always liked smart/beautiful women, and for now she seems to be both.
Who in hell is going to watch a video from "newsmax" other than a Trump lemming?

One final point, sorry do not feel like editing, visit newsmax, and other right-wing sites, it is the only way for you to truly know what is the mind of those you may oppose, I go to far more right-wing sites than newsmax to see what is being said. It is the only real way to understand what they are being fed and how and why our fellow Americans think as they do. FYI, sites such as this are nearly worthless when it comes to getting a real feel for that, and that goes for both sides. Now there is a warning to go with this, one must be of sound mind to really delve into the extremes sources out there, one has to keep and open mind but they must have the ability to differentiate the difference between propaganda and news, sadly on many sites the viewers simply are not capable of that sort of analytical thinking.
They failed to confront the Regressive Left Revolution that now controls America, they failed to warn us about it.....and even now they fail to comprehend what has happened.