How soon before this unmitigated outrage backfires on democrats?

Darth Omar

Russian asset

It’s an axiom that Democrats will overplay their hand when they stumble onto something they think will enable them to get or hold onto power.

They are using the 1/6 Capitol mostly peaceful protest to militarize DC as a means to prop up the propaganda that half the country are potential domestic terrorists.

How is Biden able to get away with this outrage without declaring martial law? Why isn’t congress *demanding* to see the actual intelligence that justifies the presence of 25,000 of our own boots on our own soil?

We look like a two-bit dictatorship to the rest of the world.
The disingenuousness of the fascist right knows no bounds.

They complain about all logical responses to their failed insurrection.
Right now, Fascist Republican State Legislatures all over the nation are twisting themselves inside-out trying to increase voter suppression.
One citizen-one vote is a concept that precludes the fascist right ever controlling national government again.
The right is perfectly willing to end democracy as a solution to this problem.

What we have here is the revelation of the First Amendment's most serious flaw.
Openly acknowledging the trumpanzee as a human being with human rights should be and must become a capital offense.
Trumpanzees are an infection on the population far worse than the deadly covid.
Right-wingers are never at a loss for bullshit.

Obviously because they are so full of the stuff, they have a never ending supply.
The disingenuousness of the fascist right knows no bounds.

They complain about all logical responses to their failed insurrection.
Right now, Fascist Republican State Legislatures all over the nation are twisting themselves inside-out trying to increase voter suppression.
One citizen-one vote is a concept that precludes the fascist right ever controlling national government again.
The right is perfectly willing to end democracy as a solution to this problem.

What we have here is the revelation of the First Amendment's most serious flaw.
Openly acknowledging the trumpanzee as a human being with human rights should be and must become a capital offense.
Trumpanzees are an infection on the population far worse than the deadly covid.

I don't recall 61 saying a single thing about Trump hiding in his secret bunker, or the building of the huge fence around the White House. Nope, those were logical responses to a perceived attack. But an ACTUAL attack that left five people dead? Meh, just citizens expressing their opinions. :awesome:

It’s an axiom that Democrats will overplay their hand when they stumble onto something they think will enable them to get or hold onto power.

They are using the 1/6 Capitol mostly peaceful protest to militarize DC as a means to prop up the propaganda that half the country are potential domestic terrorists.

How is Biden able to get away with this outrage without declaring martial law? Why isn’t congress *demanding* to see the actual intelligence that justifies the presence of 25,000 of our own boots on our own soil?

We look like a two-bit dictatorship to the rest of the world.

And suddenly the opinion of the U.S. to the "rest of the world" matters again!

Hello Darth,

It’s an axiom that Democrats will overplay their hand when they stumble onto something they think will enable them to get or hold onto power.

They are using the 1/6 Capitol mostly peaceful protest to militarize DC as a means to prop up the propaganda that half the country are potential domestic terrorists.

How is Biden able to get away with this outrage without declaring martial law? Why isn’t congress *demanding* to see the actual intelligence that justifies the presence of 25,000 of our own boots on our own soil?

We look like a two-bit dictatorship to the rest of the world.

Congress is nearly half Republican, so nearly have the blame for your misplaced complaint lies with your own party.

It’s an axiom that Democrats will overplay their hand when they stumble onto something they think will enable them to get or hold onto power.

They are using the 1/6 Capitol mostly peaceful protest to militarize DC as a means to prop up the propaganda that half the country are potential domestic terrorists.

How is Biden able to get away with this outrage without declaring martial law? Why isn’t congress *demanding* to see the actual intelligence that justifies the presence of 25,000 of our own boots on our own soil?

We look like a two-bit dictatorship to the rest of the world.

Wait. This was today? Fox, Gabbard, and you haven't read the news in a week?
And suddenly the opinion of the U.S. to the "rest of the world" matters again!


To borrow a word you taught me, Ra-men, sister!

Trump and his ass eaters have been shitting all over the world for four years. NOW they care about the way we are perceived? Bullshit. Liars. Hypocrites. Losers.

It’s an axiom that Democrats will overplay their hand when they stumble onto something they think will enable them to get or hold onto power.

They are using the 1/6 Capitol mostly peaceful protest to militarize DC as a means to prop up the propaganda that half the country are potential domestic terrorists.

How is Biden able to get away with this outrage without declaring martial law? Why isn’t congress *demanding* to see the actual intelligence that justifies the presence of 25,000 of our own boots on our own soil?

We look like a two-bit dictatorship to the rest of the world.

The 2-bit dictator wannabe is gone.

It’s an axiom that Democrats will overplay their hand when they stumble onto something they think will enable them to get or hold onto power.

They are using the 1/6 Capitol mostly peaceful protest to militarize DC as a means to prop up the propaganda that half the country are potential domestic terrorists.

How is Biden able to get away with this outrage without declaring martial law? Why isn’t congress *demanding* to see the actual intelligence that justifies the presence of 25,000 of our own boots on our own soil?

We look like a two-bit dictatorship to the rest of the world.

pats little moron on the head, go play in traffic the adults are governing now. you never cared what we looked like when your pussy grabber was in the Oval office.

It’s an axiom that Democrats will overplay their hand when they stumble onto something they think will enable them to get or hold onto power.

They are using the 1/6 Capitol mostly peaceful protest to militarize DC as a means to prop up the propaganda that half the country are potential domestic terrorists.

How is Biden able to get away with this outrage without declaring martial law? Why isn’t congress *demanding* to see the actual intelligence that justifies the presence of 25,000 of our own boots on our own soil?

We look like a two-bit dictatorship to the rest of the world.

They ALWAYS do this kind of thing when they get a little power. Its almost like they KNOW that they have to ram things thru fast before the people throw them out again the 1st chance they get. They are like little children getting their first taste of freedom. They run totally hog wild. EVERY SINGLE TIME.
As soon as you hillbillies reorganize in some form like T-1000 and manufacture some outrage. You tell us, how long does it
take dumb people to fall in line with the immoral? Not long I'd expect.
Hello Darth,

It’s an axiom that Democrats will overplay their hand when they stumble onto something they think will enable them to get or hold onto power.

They are using the 1/6 Capitol mostly peaceful protest to militarize DC as a means to prop up the propaganda that half the country are potential domestic terrorists.

How is Biden able to get away with this outrage without declaring martial law? Why isn’t congress *demanding* to see the actual intelligence that justifies the presence of 25,000 of our own boots on our own soil?

We look like a two-bit dictatorship to the rest of the world.

Do you have a link showing some representative of the 'rest of the world' commenting that the USA 'looks like a two-bit dictatorship?'

Or is this simply your own impression... (my guess.)

It’s an axiom that Democrats will overplay their hand when they stumble onto something they think will enable them to get or hold onto power.

They are using the 1/6 Capitol mostly peaceful protest to militarize DC as a means to prop up the propaganda that half the country are potential domestic terrorists.

How is Biden able to get away with this outrage without declaring martial law? Why isn’t congress *demanding* to see the actual intelligence that justifies the presence of 25,000 of our own boots on our own soil?

We look like a two-bit dictatorship to the rest of the world.

sick of hearing you trump assholes whining. fuck you
The disingenuousness of the fascist right knows no bounds.

They complain about all logical responses to their failed insurrection.
Right now, Fascist Republican State Legislatures all over the nation are twisting themselves inside-out trying to increase voter suppression.
One citizen-one vote is a concept that precludes the fascist right ever controlling national government again.
The right is perfectly willing to end democracy as a solution to this problem.

What we have here is the revelation of the First Amendment's most serious flaw.
Openly acknowledging the trumpanzee as a human being with human rights should be and must become a capital offense.
Trumpanzees are an infection on the population far worse than the deadly covid.

One live person, with an ID that proves who they are, and no illegal votes, is that to much to ask for?
sick of hearing you trump assholes whining. fuck you

I bet you are. It will be nice watching the frauds you helped fraudulently put in office crush all your dreams right in front of you. I am positive that most of you have already found out that Old Joe and the D leadership are simply the latest version of puppets for the Corporate elitists. They are going to grind you up and spit you out just as they have always done. Our economy will falter in the most important metrics and you will become poorer and less free. This time the wolves in sheeps clothing didnt even wait a couple days to tear off the costumes. No need to. LOL This makes me very happy..... Good luck.
sick of hearing you trump assholes whining. fuck you

Amen. I ignore them. They have nothing intelligent or relevant to say. Nothing. Just 'gotcha!' And every gotcha thread is over the top hypocrisy. No exceptions. As has been pointed out already, they cared not one fuck how the rest of the world viewed us when Trump was challenging the result of a free and fair election. Or when the Confederate flag was flying INSIDE the capitol. Or when the American flag was being replaced witha Trump 2020 flag. Or when Trump shook down an ally for help with his re-election. Or when Rudy was running amok in Ukraine. Nope, they did not care at all. Now suddenly...... it's somehow 'Democrats' who called out the National Guard to protect the capitol against a terrorist attack planned by supporters of the former President. No, those would be Americans.
I bet you are. It will be nice watching the frauds you helped fraudulently put in office crush all your dreams right in front of you. I am positive that most of you have already found out that Old Joe and the D leadership are simply the latest version of puppets for the Corporate elitists. They are going to grind you up and spit you out just as they have always done. Our economy will falter in the most important metrics and you will become poorer and less free. This time the wolves in sheeps clothing didnt even wait a couple days to tear off the costumes. LOL This makes me very happy.....

How's martial law coming, Stoney? How is your little civil war? Dumb fuck.