how many right wingers here disavow Marjorie Taylor Greene's insanity?

now watch the cowards run, scatter like cockroaches in the light

and confirm they are low life trash, despicable deplorables not worth the air they unfortunately breath

nice Georgia crackers, fuck y'all

the bitch walks into the House packing a gun, threatening to shoot Congressman

while McCarthy flies down to asshole's compound prepped up to suck a toadstool dick?

fuck the GOP, traitors all
There are, at least, 114 more nut cases in the House, that are as nutty as Squirrel POO POO- JUST LIKE HER!

It's pathetic! She's pathetic! REPUBLITARDS ARE PATHETIC!
every time this piece of shit tells the parents their children didn't die in these mass shootings she puts them through the nightmare all over again

may she suffer an excruciatingly painful and horrible death, then be torn limb from limb by a mob, then burned to ashes
So you are all down on this evil idiot chicks ideas turd bonnet

you'll never see one of these cowards disavow a single atrocity committed by the GOP, they're worse than the German citizens that sat by and watched the Jews being rounded up

did we hear any of the scumbags disavow putting little children in cages and splitting up families forever at the border?

hell no, that's not how pussies roll
The republicans love it when evil people torture the families who were victims of gun murders

Alex Jones was at the DC rally

He has been sued for claiming those families that had their children’s brains blown out by an evil trumpets spawn are lying and those dead children never existed

Imagine being a child in a sandyhook victim family

Going out to get an ice cream and having some insane Alex Jones evil shit screaming at them and calling them a liar because they miss their dead sibling

The Republican Party is evil and needs to die
The republicans love it when evil people torture the families who were victims of gun murders

Alex Jones award at the DC rally

He has been sued for claiming those families that had their children’s brains blown out by an evil trumpets spawn are lying and those dead children never existed

Imagine being a child in a sandyhook victim family

Going out to get an ice cream and having some insane Alex Jones evil shit screaming at them and calling them a liar because they miss their dead sibling

The Republican Party is evil and needs to die

exactly, I've tried to imagine what it must like for those poor souls, and can't imagine what it's like for the immigrant parents fleeing violence and death south of the border only to watch their children being led off to cold inhumane cages. Trump's supporters all deserve to be shot or imprisoned, including members of my own family