How long until libs admit Obamacare is a failure?

Will liberals admit Obamacare is a failure?

  • Yes

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No

    Votes: 4 100.0%
  • They will, but will blame Republicans

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • They will, and insist we need single-payer

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters

Big Money

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So few insurers offer plans on some of the new government health insurance exchanges that consumers in those states may pay too much or face large rate increases later, insurance experts say.

"When there are too few carriers, down the road there will be issues with rate increases that make plans unaffordable for average Americans even with rate subsidies," says Bryce Williams, managing director of Towers Watson Exchange Solutions, which operates private insurance exchanges for companies. "We need competitive insurance markets in all states (and) multiple carriers competing hard."
How long until you righttards admit you lost that battle 45 times its the law of the land its going to be here until worms crawl up your ass. STOP WHINING its gotten way past disgusting
How long until you righttards admit you lost that battle 45 times its the law of the land its going to be here until worms crawl up your ass. STOP WHINING its gotten way past disgusting

Keep talking.

That's the same argument that got Lincoln elected.
So few insurers offer plans on some of the new government health insurance exchanges that consumers in those states may pay too much or face large rate increases later, insurance experts say.

"When there are too few carriers, down the road there will be issues with rate increases that make plans unaffordable for average Americans even with rate subsidies," says Bryce Williams, managing director of Towers Watson Exchange Solutions, which operates private insurance exchanges for companies. "We need competitive insurance markets in all states (and) multiple carriers competing hard."

"...consumers MAY pay too much..."

Oh the desperation!!

More fear mongering from the "we got nothing to campaign on but fear" Righties.
What we’re experiencing now is the worst-case scenario for the insurance markets: It is not impossible to buy insurance, but merely very difficult.

If it were impossible, then we could all just agree to move to Plan B.

And if it were as easy as everyone expected, well, we’d see if the whole thing worked.

But what we have now is a situation where only the extremely persistent can successfully complete an application. And who is likely to be extremely persistent?

Very sick people.
People between 55 and 65, the age band at which insurance is quite expensive.
Very poor people, who will be shunted to Medicaid or will probably go without insurance.

Insurance that is only sold to these groups is going to be very, very expensive.

Not the first year -- President Barack Obama was in the Rose Garden just this morning, touting the fantastic cost savings available to the old and sick people whom Obamacare was already helping.

But if those are the only people who sign up, insurers will lose a bunch of money on these policies.

And then next year, they’ll ask for a lot more money.

What happens next -- as we’ve seen in states such as New York that have guaranteed issue, no ability to price to the customer’s health, and a generous mandated-benefits package -- is that when the price increases hit, some of those who did buy insurance the first year reluctantly decide to drop it.

Usually, those are the healthiest people. Which means that the average cost of treatment for the people remaining in the pool rises, because the average person in that pool is now sicker.

So premiums go up again . . . until it’s so expensive to buy insurance that almost no one does.

For folks who make less than 400 percent of the federal poverty line, that won’t matter much; the price of a "silver" plan (which covers about 70 percent of expected expenditures) is capped as a percentage of their income.

For those who make more than 400 percent of the poverty line (a little over $30,000 for a single person), however, that will be a big problem.

And, of course, the federal government will also have a big problem if the cost of subsidized policies starts marching rapidly northward.

About 5 percent of the U.S. population bought individual insurance on the private market pre-Obamacare, and about half of the law’s coverage expansion was slated to come from people buying policies in the individual exchanges.

Moreover, the states' high-risk pools, which covered a bunch of very sick people, are coming to an end, dumping those people into the normal private market.

And some employers, whose policies did not meet the minimums set by the health-care act, are expected to dump their employees into the private market rather than buy more expensive insurance.

If this segment of the market breaks, it’s a Big Deal.
It is a train wreck. With that said, I dont believe we should go back now. I disagree with a great deal about even the IDEA of govt-provided/controlled health care but do believe that there needs to be a way to protect people from the huge medical and hospitalization costs that they have no option to avoid in the event of catastrophic accident or sickness. There are no controls over those costs and they can bankrupt any middle or lower income family (the majority of Americans) no matter how much insurance or savings they have. That does not help society, that just drags it down further IMO.

I think we should now move forward and see what works and what doesnt and change it as we go.

I'm not saying this is a pleasant or good situation....just one that we now need to work thru and improve. There are lots of unpleasant things that we have to deal with, like divorce or abortion, that end up being better for individuals and society in the long run. (heh, this should be good).

This is IMO.
Health insurance doesnt only pay for sickness, it pays for accidents and injuries and those are very prevalent in the younger age groups. As does physical therapy and long-term care for such. As does the loss of wages in a family if a breadwinner is affected or must become a care giver.
How long until libs admit Obamacare is a failure?

How about we wait until it's been fully implemented plus a couple of months to gather statistics? Foolish concept to you righties, I know.
When will that be?

Should we wait as long as liberals did before they declared the surge a failure?

Well at least we didnt declare victory on a aircraft carrier....on something that also ended up a failure....still have admitted to that.
How long until libs admit Obamacare is a failure?

How about we wait until it's been fully implemented plus a couple of months to gather statistics? Foolish concept to you righties, I know.

Considering the Obama Politburo won't even tell us how many people have signed up, gathering statitistics will be a bit tricky, dontcha think?
Well at least we didnt declare victory on a aircraft carrier....on something that also ended up a failure....still have admitted to that.

LOL, instead Obama declared "victory" in the Rose Garden...

President Obama's speech Monday morning was briefly interrupted when a young woman standing behind him appeared to come close to fainting. The president turned around to make sure she was alright, saying, "I got you, you're ok," before she was helped away by others nearby.

The woman, identified as Karmel Allison, suffers from Type 1 diabetes. She also announced on her blog last week that she is pregnant.

"This is what happens when I talk too long," Obama joked...
Well at least we didnt declare victory on a aircraft carrier....on something that also ended up a failure....still have admitted to that.“mission-accomplished”

in his speech aboard the USS Abraham Lincoln, Bush declared: “Our mission continues.” It is true that Bush’s speech, in which he announced the end of major combat operations, was far too triumphant about U.S. military achievements. But he never “famously declared that America’s mission in Iraq had been accomplished.”

On the contrary, he said that following the fall of Baghdad, “now our coalition is engaged in securing and reconstructing that country... We have difficult work to do in Iraq. We're bringing order to parts of that country that remain dangerous.” Bush's goal in Iraq was never purely military – his mission was to bring freedom and democracy to a vital part of the Middle East.

Here are some more quotes from the speech:

■“The transition from dictatorship to democracy will take time, but it is worth every effort. Our coalition will stay until our work is done and then we will leave and we will leave behind a free Iraq.”
■“Our mission continues. Al Qaida is wounded, not destroyed.”
■“The battle of Iraq is one victory in a war on terror that began on September the 11th, 2001 and still goes on.”
■“America and our coalition will finish what we have begun.”

So how did the belief that he declared “mission accomplished” become so deeply embedded in the public consciousness? The reason is that the ship’s crew, in collusion with White House staff, had strung a large banner bearing the words “mission accomplished” behind the spot where Bush was due to speak. The banner was seen on TV throughout the president’s speech. But Bush himself knew nothing about the decision to display the banner, and certainly did not approve it.

“Irregardless,” as Bush himself used to say, the speech became known as the “mission accomplished” speech, and will probably always be known that way. A striking visual image trumps the spoken word any day. And it’s almost certainly too much to hope that the media will go back and read the speech and see what he actually said. You can forget about renaming it the “mission continues” speech, even if that would be much more accurate
How long until libs admit Obamacare is a failure?

How about we wait until it's been fully implemented plus a couple of months to gather statistics? Foolish concept to you righties, I know.

I don't see that any of us have much choice but to do just that. OTOH, don't you feel that all of us are being played for fools when Obama just lies as he did today?
Of course, you’ve probably heard that –- the new website where people can apply for health insurance, and browse and buy affordable plans in most states(Affordable? Certainly not for the poor, but forced into a bronze or silver plan) –- hasn't worked as smoothly as it was supposed to work. And the number of people who have visited the site has been overwhelming, which has aggravated some of these underlying problems. (Over the past three weeks, it's become crystal that 'demand' isn't the problem of the website).

Despite all that, thousands of people are signing up and saving money as we speak. Perhaps thousands have put through an application, according to insurance companies, many have put through 3 or more, not sure if they were accepted due to 'glitches.' Saving money? So far the consensus, now even in the MSM is this is not the case. Many Americans with a preexisting condition, like Janice, are discovering that they can finally get health insurance like everybody else. One of the necessities of any 'reform' we all agree on that point, I think.

Already, because of the Affordable Care Act, preventive care like mammograms and birth control are free through your employers. That’s part of this law. (Applause.) So there are a wide range of consumer protections and benefits that you already have if you’ve got health insurance. You may not have noticed them, but you’ve got them, and they’re not going anywhere. And they’re not dependent on a website.

Free! Really? The machines are 'free'? The technicians are donating their time? The radiologists? When you find your premiums going up, along with the deductibles, you begin to understand Milton Friedman.

Just for starters.