How bad was the Trump administration for Americans' health? In a word, horrible


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Their report, “Public Policy and Health in the Trump Era,” is the product of four years of research and data accrual and analysis. It has been previously referenced on Daily Kos here and here; however, due to its length and fulsome content (10 separate sections, buttressed by 368 footnotes), it is not easily summarized. Not only are the adverse effects of Trump’s health policies examined and placed in context, but also the harmful social and political repercussions of an administration that plainly sought to distance itself from the global health community through its virulent, xenophobic aims.

The report is more than simply a devastating indictment of the Trump administration, although it certainly succeeds in that respect."

In addition to the former fake president tRump's other atrocious influences on public health the atrocity of him and his gutter goons enabling the covid murder of over 500,000 Americans. I hope in due time instead of hanging around being a menace instead of fading away, tRump will live to sorely regret his destructive influence on humanity.
Their report, “Public Policy and Health in the Trump Era,” is the product of four years of research and data accrual and analysis. It has been previously referenced on Daily Kos here and here; however, due to its length and fulsome content (10 separate sections, buttressed by 368 footnotes), it is not easily summarized. Not only are the adverse effects of Trump’s health policies examined and placed in context, but also the harmful social and political repercussions of an administration that plainly sought to distance itself from the global health community through its virulent, xenophobic aims.

The report is more than simply a devastating indictment of the Trump administration, although it certainly succeeds in that respect."

In addition to the former fake president tRump's other atrocious influences on public health the atrocity of him and his gutter goons enabling the covid murder of over 500,000 Americans. I hope in due time instead of hanging around being a menace instead of fading away, tRump will live to sorely regret his destructive influence on humanity.

Our life expectancy has dropped a one year of life, MAGA.