How ABOUT those Red Sox!


Victorino grand slam in the seventh!

It's Red Sox v. Cardinals in the World Series!

2004 deja vu all over again!!!!!

i was gnashing my teeth knowing he would ground out into a double play or something. He's been so unclutch this series. Wanted some miracle like putting in nava to replace him. I am happy to say I did my part to reverse jinx him.

Also game 3 is all me too cause I shouted "crapoli" before the solo shot.
This will be a harder Series than 2004, because the Cards are relatively stronger this time, and the Sox are relatively weaker (no Bambino Curse looming, of course).

I was surprised by how terribly the Rockies performed that series.
sox are about the same this year. I think 2004 we had 98 wins vs. 97 this year. HR and other offensive metrics are down, but that trend is actually the same for nearly all teams league wide based on where everyone was a decade ago. Pitching is just so super sick now. Relatively speaking we are in the same place in terms of strength.

cards might be better though.



i was gnashing my teeth knowing he would ground out into a double play or something. He's been so unclutch this series. Wanted some miracle like putting in nava to replace him. I am happy to say I did my part to reverse jinx him.

Also game 3 is all me too cause I shouted "crapoli" before the solo shot.

See there you go. No loyalty. There loser fans will throw them under the bus the first opportunity they get.

Boston Strong? Do you get a scause with that?

I did not want Boston to win but the way they did made it worth it. Hopefully the series will be a good one.
knew that would be a troll post but:

lots of red sox fans are pessimists because we always get close only to have something snatched away from us. Something you bandwagoner tampa bay fans simply don't understand. you don't get the pain.

we need to condition ourselves to accept the possibility of losing.

nava hit .300 this year. im loyal to nava. guy rules. victorino while good this year had been majorly slumping post season he was hitting like .07x

but that's what reverse jinxing is all about my friend.

also I love napoli but the bottom line is he is among the league leaders for strikeouts. When he makes contact it's golden but a lot of times percentage wise he's going to be a rally killer.

seriously bax can you go one post without being a douche? just curious.
knew that would be a troll post but:

lots of red sox fans are pessimists because we always get close only to have something snatched away from us. Something you bandwagoner tampa bay fans simply don't understand. you don't get the pain.

we need to condition ourselves to accept the possibility of losing.

nava hit .300 this year. im loyal to nava. guy rules. victorino while good this year had been majorly slumping post season he was hitting like .07x

but that's what reverse jinxing is all about my friend.

also I love napoli but the bottom line is he is among the league leaders for strikeouts. When he makes contact it's golden but a lot of times percentage wise he's going to be a rally killer.

seriously bax can you go one post without being a douche? just curious.


You sure suck at ignoring my posts.

Batting average is way overrated, grandpa.
As a Mariners fan, I can tell you that we've never even gotten to the point where we could actually point fingers at a single player and blame them for our lack of success. There was some finger pointing at Aaron Sele in the 2001 playoffs as having cracked under pressure, but that's as close as it's ever gotten.

For us, it's just the slew of terrible, counterproductive, horrible GMs we've had, such as Woody Woodward (1988-1999), Pat Gillick (2000-2003), and Bill Bavasi (2004-2009). Gillick and Bavasi were so terrible that they actually make Woodward look good, because he brought in Lou Pinella and acquired some talented players. He became infamous, though, for some spectacularly awful trades, such as the Slocum deal, which epitimizes terrible trades to this day.