how about highlighting the threads one is banned from


I tire of answering you right wing chicken shits only to find you have banned me from answering you.

cant we get some type of highlighting going so we don't even have to click onto a thread to realize we are banned from it?

Or did you HOPE the left leaning posters would just tire of not being allowed to comment and leave the site?
why cant threads we are banned from show we are banned from them without having to click on them?

why are you people ALWAYS trying to chase away the left leaning posters ?

it wont win you any elections.

it merely wins you the brain dead thoughts like Robmoney will win by five points and the like.

Im tired of constantly clicking on a thread only to find you smucks cant take the heat
Members banned from this thread: evince, ZappasGuitar, poet, Howey and tekkychick

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Results 1 to 10 of 10

Thread: The stupid Youth who blindly voted for obama now get their comeuppance
Members banned from this thread: evince, The Dude, poet, iolo, Dantès and kiki

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Thread: Job-killing Democrats strike again
Members banned from this thread: evince, The Dude, poet, iolo, Dantès and kiki

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Thread: Democrat war on women - Kennedy kin who murdered girl freed
Members banned from this thread: evince, The Dude, poet, iolo, Dantès and kiki

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Thread: Pillory Hillary
well since every fucking con here is so chicken shit they ban most of the left leaning posters from their threads it would be the lest they could do
Members banned from this thread: evince, ZappasGuitar, poet, Howey and tekkychick

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Thread: The stupid Youth who blindly voted for obama now get their comeuppance

the guy who runs the site cant even debate shit .
shut down the conversation

yeah that will win you debates and elections huh

This current right we have in this country are the biggest chicken shits to ever come down the pike
the right here " well their facts always get in the way of our historically failed ideas so we have to HIDE from them"