House votes to pay workers

Big Money

New member

As the fifth day of the federal government shutdown began, members of the House came together in a moment of rare bipartisanship to pass a bill, by a vote of 407 to 0, approving back pay for furloughed government workers.

Senator Harry Reid said on the Senate floor that House Republicans have authorized a “paid vacation” for furloughed workers.

After the House vote, Republican leaders called on Senate Democrats and the president to extend the same courtesy to other groups of Americans hurt by the shutdown.

“What about the vets?” House Majority Leader Rep. Eric I.Cantor (R-Va.) said. “Do the Democrats not feel it’s important to ease the pain on them?”

“What about the sick children who need access to clinical trials?” Cantor continued.

The House has passed several bills providing funding for the National Institutes of Health and other areas of the federal government that have been financially weakened since the shutdown began Tuesday. The Senate has rejected each bill.
Another small victory for the Dems because it would just be too damaging to the Repubs to not go along with it. So they go along with it with a gnashing of teeth.

What a fucking joke the US government has become.

As the fifth day of the federal government shutdown began, members of the House came together in a moment of rare bipartisanship to pass a bill, by a vote of 407 to 0, approving back pay for furloughed government workers.

Senator Harry Reid said on the Senate floor that House Republicans have authorized a “paid vacation” for furloughed workers.

After the House vote, Republican leaders called on Senate Democrats and the president to extend the same courtesy to other groups of Americans hurt by the shutdown.

“What about the vets?” House Majority Leader Rep. Eric I.Cantor (R-Va.) said. “Do the Democrats not feel it’s important to ease the pain on them?”

“What about the sick children who need access to clinical trials?” Cantor continued.

The House has passed several bills providing funding for the National Institutes of Health and other areas of the federal government that have been financially weakened since the shutdown began Tuesday. The Senate has rejected each bill.

The GOP nutters do not get to play Solomon.
You calling Odummyfucker a butler? I agree that is all the dirty negro bastard is qualified for. His bitch wife is only qualified to swing a pole

No, cretin. At least he has a pole. You don't have anything, eunuch. That's why you are so swarmy.
Nope. Nobody gets paid until the game is over. If the GOP wants to sacrifice pawns, then sacrifice pawns. Why aren't they concerned about the gross waste of tax dollars to pay those who are on GOP vacation?
Another small victory for the Dems because it would just be too damaging to the Repubs to not go along with it. So they go along with it with a gnashing of teeth.

What a fucking joke the US government has become.

Victory for the Dems ?.....The Bill came from the House....the Republican House and has yet to be passed by the Senate...

The REPUBLICAN House has passed several bills providing funding for the National Institutes of Health and other areas of the federal government that have been financially weakened since the shutdown began Tuesday. The Senate has rejected each bill, insisting on a so-called “clean” funding bill that will reopen all parts of the government.

Reid said that House Republicans have authorized a “paid vacation” for furloughed workers, but you can bet your ass Reid will go along with this one....

Whats amazing is that some pinheads call this a victory for the Dems....but why would I be surprised, thats the way works....R's bad, D's good, no matter wtf the facts are.
Victory for the Dems ?.....The Bill came from the House....the Republican House and has yet to be passed by the Senate...

The REPUBLICAN House has passed several bills providing funding for the National Institutes of Health and other areas of the federal government that have been financially weakened since the shutdown began Tuesday. The Senate has rejected each bill, insisting on a so-called “clean” funding bill that will reopen all parts of the government.

Reid said that House Republicans have authorized a “paid vacation” for furloughed workers, but you can bet your ass Reid will go along with this one....

Whats amazing is that some pinheads call this a victory for the Dems....but why would I be surprised, thats the way works....R's bad, D's good, no matter wtf the facts are.
And they'll continue to reject each bill until a clean bill is passed in the House.

Dems are at Paul Ryan's number for spending. Stop the bullshit, and fund the govt. for the next year.