House to Vote on Whether to Punish Marjorie Taylor Greene


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House Republicans will be forced to go on record on Thursday over the conduct of Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia, with Democrats scheduling a vote over whether to strip the freshman lawmaker of her committee assignments.

The vote presents the latest fork in the road for Republicans as they try to navigate the aftermath of former President Donald J. Trump’s re-election defeat and grapple with the future of their party.
House speaker Nancy Pelosi condemned the Republican caucus for failing to hold “extreme conspiracy theorists” accountable.

“It’s just so unfortunate” that today’s vote on Marjorie Taylor Greene is happening, Pelosi said.

The Democratic speaker said she wished that House Republican leaders felt “some sense of responsibility to this institution”.

Pelosi noted that House Republican leaders chose to remove former congressman Steve King from his committee assignments over his comments on white supremacy two years ago.

“For some reason, they have chosen not to go down that path,” Pelosi said.
House Republicans will be forced to go on record on Thursday over the conduct of Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia, with Democrats scheduling a vote over whether to strip the freshman lawmaker of her committee assignments.

The vote presents the latest fork in the road for Republicans as they try to navigate the aftermath of former President Donald J. Trump’s re-election defeat and grapple with the future of their party.

Why "punish" her at all?
House speaker Nancy Pelosi condemned the Republican caucus for failing to hold “extreme conspiracy theorists” accountable.

“It’s just so unfortunate” that today’s vote on Marjorie Taylor Greene is happening, Pelosi said.

The Democratic speaker said she wished that House Republican leaders felt “some sense of responsibility to this institution”.

Pelosi noted that House Republican leaders chose to remove former congressman Steve King from his committee assignments over his comments on white supremacy two years ago.

“For some reason, they have chosen not to go down that path,” Pelosi said.
The QOP are cowards and some even support her and her Jewish space lasers igniting CA forests.
Why should she be "punished"? Don't you have a reason you retarded pig fucker?

Well, let’s see, isn’t she the one who said the Speaker of the House should be shot and Jews had lasers they were using on California, and seeing she questioned the school shootings, seems at the very least she doesn’t belong on the Education Committee
Why should she be punished.?? I guess she's guilty of believing the wrong conspiracy theories. Dems claim there is a GIANT WHITE CONSPIRACY holding down blacks and a GIANT MALE CONSPIRACY holding down women. All other CTs are banned.
Well, let’s see, isn’t she the one who said the Speaker of the House should be shot and Jews had lasers they were using on California, and seeing she questioned the school shootings, seems at the very least she doesn’t belong on the Education Committee

And you dems say black failure is caused by a GIANT WHITE CONSPIRACY against blacks.
impeach for something she said BEFORE she was in Congress?? LMAO

You people are impeachment crazed w/ out of office impeachments
And they're terrified of their own base.
They are, being held hostage by terrorists. Negotiating with seditionists. It makes no sense.
I know in my gut that if MTG and her bunch could, they would inflict their justice on their perceived enemies.