House Repukes Concede Defeat On Obamacare

Now the speaker is ready for a vote to pay the bills of the nation that HE voted to run up and to implement Obamacare with the exception of cutting out the waivers. Now, ain't that classic? Obamacare with the blessing of a batshit crazy bunch that has fought it without any considerations whatsoever for their genuine constituencies. My, my.

I can't wait for the fines to start getting mailed to the under 30 crowd that voted for Obama. After they cried when their worthless SS taxes shot up this year, it will bring joy to me to see them drowning in tears.
I've already got a few snapshots of the repukes crying for waivers/exemptions in the likeness of Romneycare and having overwhelming support from the Democrats during the original debates and votes on Obamacare. This is GREAT!!!!!!!!!

Now the speaker is ready for a vote to pay the bills of the nation that HE voted to run up and to implement Obamacare with the exception of cutting out the waivers. Now, ain't that classic? Obamacare with the blessing of a batshit crazy bunch that has fought it without any considerations whatsoever for their genuine constituencies. My, my.


since the repugs gerrymandered as many districts as they could and are passing voter suppression laws as quickly as they can, they think that they can rule the house as long as they like without consequences, however, there are always consequences...
The enormous sins of the repukes are not going un-noticed. A huge price awaits them. They were warned repeatedly, even by members of their own Party and various caucuses, but they did their dirt on the American people anyway. It would be funny if it weren't so sad. That little group of 30 or so extremists in the house actually think they control the nation. Now, that really is hilarious!!!!!!

The enormous sins of the repukes are not going un-noticed. A huge price awaits them. They were warned repeatedly, even by members of their own Party and various caucuses, but they did their dirt on the American people anyway. It would be funny if it weren't so sad. That little group of 30 or so extremists in the house actually think they control the nation. Now, that really is hilarious!!!!!!


the problem with house republicans and some democrats is that they fear being 'primaried' by those that support the tea party with big bucks

however, wall street will be very unhappy about a prolonged or any government shutdown or failure to pay the nation's debts.
Primary, schmimary. It's just more bucks for some more nuts. The teabaggers have shown their cards and have drawn a losing hand. 2014 will be even more indicative than 2012 was to that truth. Let's see. More Democrats in the Senate, more Democrats in the house, re-election of a Democratic President, over 3 million more votes cast for Democratic candidates in the house but due to gerry-mandering the country is not fairly represented in that equation. If the Democrats capitalize on these things the teabaggers don't have a snowballs chance in hell come Nov. of 2014. That's my thinking on the subject.

Primary, schmimary. It's just more bucks for some more nuts. The teabaggers have shown their cards and have drawn a losing hand. 2014 will be even more indicative than 2012 was to that truth. Let's see. More Democrats in the Senate, more Democrats in the house, re-election of a Democratic President, over 3 million more votes cast for Democratic candidates in the house but due to gerry-mandering the country is not fairly represented in that equation. If the Democrats capitalize on these things the teabaggers don't have a snowballs chance in hell come Nov. of 2014. That's my thinking on the subject.


you may be over optimistic. it may have to wait until another census or for legal challenges to wend their way through the court system. either that or more dim voters throughout the repug states in more districts.
Democrats have very little to defend and they MUST capitalize on their strengths. Repukes have a lot to defend and have NO strengths. That seems very clear to me but you may be exactly correct on the dim voters comment. That's why we absolutely have to do a better job of getting out the truth about the repukes ignoring the American people, even holding at least 47% of them in great disdain and contempt. They will not be satisfied until there are only 2 economic classes of Americans. Poor Americans and rich Americans. Even the most intelligent and fair-minded rich repuke doesn't get it that an expanding and enriched middle class is helpful to himself. Economics 101. At Econ 401 they tend to forget all of that.

Republicans fighting Obamacare ... a REPUBLICAN plan hatched to avoid universal healthcare proposed by Hillary Clinton .. democrats supporting a REPUBLICAN plan while screaming at republicans about how heartless they are.

It's all bullshit with the American people getting screwed by both parties .. as usual.
Republicans fighting Obamacare ... a REPUBLICAN plan hatched to avoid universal healthcare proposed by Hillary Clinton .. democrats supporting a REPUBLICAN plan while screaming at republicans about how heartless they are.

It's all bullshit with the American people getting screwed by both parties .. as usual.

And another thing, bac, as usual you're a fucking idiot. So there, cowgirl. How's that help for your enormously obvious "being black" complexes working out for you?

Republicans fighting Obamacare ... a REPUBLICAN plan hatched to avoid universal healthcare proposed by Hillary Clinton .. democrats supporting a REPUBLICAN plan while screaming at republicans about how heartless they are.

It's all bullshit with the American people getting screwed by both parties .. as usual.

how about medicare for all?
Republicans fighting Obamacare ... a REPUBLICAN plan hatched to avoid universal healthcare proposed by Hillary Clinton .. democrats supporting a REPUBLICAN plan while screaming at republicans about how heartless they are.

It's all bullshit with the American people getting screwed by both parties .. as usual.

just sit back and enjoy the show bac. :)