House Republicans Have Collectively Voted To Repeal Obamacare Over 7,000 Times


How are we supposed to take them seriously? This is the living definition of the quote "Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."

"In yet another example of the enormous effort House Republicans have spent attempting to dismantle the Affordable Care Act, ThinkProgress has calculated that the current Republican Conference in the House of Representatives has collectively voted to repeal or defund President Obama’s signature legislative accomplishment 7,386 times.

The House Republicans’ approach to Obamacare continues to typify the current “golden age” of dysfunction in Washington. Since gaining control of the House in 2011, Speaker John Boehner has presided over 40 separate votes that would do everything from fully repealing the law, to prohibiting the IRS from funding it, to delaying pieces of it. The New York Times recently estimated that the House has spent an astonishing 15 percent of all of its time on the floor focused on repeal — a span that amounts to over $17 million of Republican members’ salaries since 2011, based on numbers from the Congressional Research Service."

What’s worse, though, is that House Republicans acknowledge the legislative futility of their efforts and continue anyway.
Just last week GOP Conference Chairwomen Cathy McMorris Rodgers conceded that it is “probably not realistic” to repeal the law, but vowed to continue offering bills that attempt to do just that.
It really is insane. It's what their base demands. I've no doubt people like Superfreak and Damo are on the phone with their reps today demanding a 42nd vote. And they're relatively sane. Who knows what ILA and his ilk are calling their reps and saying.
I was reading bravs's whine about Obama "rebuffing" Boehner on the debt ceiling and it made me laugh that he thinks Obama's the arrogant one.

Seven thousand votes to repeal Obamacare. Repubs really don't have a clue.
It's insane, a waste of time, and a waste of taxpayer money.

Why don't they vote to increase the debt ceiling?

how about working on immigration?

how about jobs?

How about food stamps?

Lots of things they could be working/voting on
I was reading bravs's whine about Obama "rebuffing" Boehner on the debt ceiling and it made me laugh that he thinks Obama's the arrogant one.

Seven thousand votes to repeal Obamacare. Repubs really don't have a clue.

the really scary - and sad - thing is that there are millions and millions of Americans who don't have a clue. They are more apt to be able to tell you the names of the contestants on DWTS than the members of the cabinet.
It's insane, a waste of time, and a waste of taxpayer money.

Why don't they vote to increase the debt ceiling?

how about working on immigration?

how about jobs?

How about food stamps?

Lots of things they could be working/voting on

bitching and moaning is a lot easier than legislating, obviously.
Wonder what budget the Dems could have proposed that the repubs would have accepted? Should we have more meaningless votes - because obviously we're getting along just fine without a budget - or work on getting something done?

but here are some facts re budget

ndeed, the last time the Senate passed a budget resolution was in 2009 for the 2010 fiscal year, according to a report on the budget process by the Congressional Research Service.

PolitiFact Florida rated this statement Half True. The candidate got the number of days right, but placing the blame on Senate Democrats wasn’t fair. Partisans on both sides share responsibility.

Let’s move on to Jan. 23, about 250 days after LeMieux made his statement. Ryan, the Republican House member from Wisconsin, said Senate Democrats "have gone without any budget at all" for more than 1,000 days.

Ryan’s language could have been more precise, PolitiFact Wisconsin ruled. It had been that long since a budget resolution passed, but not since the last Senate budget resolution expired. He earned a Mostly True.

Isakson uses somewhat different wording from Ryan and LeMieux. He said that the Democratic majority in the Senate has failed to "submit" -- not pass -- a budget in the past 1,000 days.

Democrats did submit a budget resolution since the last resolution passed, though it never went before the full Senate for a vote.
Senate, March 23, 2013

oh, you mean the one trillion dollar tax hike bill?.....was that their budget?.......

my wife used the same approach when I told her we needed to cut corners in the changing economy.....she told me the problem was easily solved.....I just needed to earn a trillion more dollars a year........
oh, you mean the one trillion dollar tax hike bill?.....was that their budget?.......

my wife used the same approach when I told her we needed to cut corners in the changing economy.....she told me the problem was easily solved.....I just needed to earn a trillion more dollars a year........

It was a budget, in spite of what you thought of it, and your personal finances aren't the same as running a govenment.