House Defeats Effort to Expand Voting to 16-Year-Olds

The Anonymous

Bag On My Head
Teenagers are going to have to wait a couple more years to vote.

The House rejected a liberal lawmaker’s proposal to lower the voting age to 16 years old for congressional and presidential elections, in a vote that exposed divisions among DEMOCRATS over how far to go in expanding the franchise to more people.

The measure from Rep. Ayanna Pressley (D., Mass.), one of the most progressive members of the House, drew 125 in favor to 302 against. No Republicans supported the measure, which was part of a larger, sweeping voting-rights package.

“Elections are about the future and no one has more at stake in that future than our youth,” said Rep. Barbara Lee (D., Calif.). “Often the objection is simply that 16-year-olds are too young to exercise good judgment. This is really a patronizing thought.”