Horse Meat Debate On The Rise ~ You are what you eat


Tea Is The New Kool-Aid
Aldi confirms up to 100% horsemeat in beef products~

"Valley Meat would be the first meat plant to be allowed to slaughter horses since Congress banned it in 2006. It is not known when the plant will start production, but two bills in Congress want to ban horse slaughter and President Barack Obama has asked Congress to ban it." Well that should be enough news for the Right to go out and kill a horse tomorrow lol.

"American horse meat raises a number of potential health concerns, mainly due to the routine usage of medications in horses banned in food animals, and the lack of tracking of this usage in horses"

You are what you eat. Would you rather be a cow or a horse?

So do you think it's ok to raise horses for meat? I know PETA and the like are against this. PETA has clearly never drove a car or mowed a lawn and killed millions of beings.

When I catch fish with a shad lure, that fish is trying to eat a being to survive. When that bass looks at me after he/she is caught you can see that "touche" look in it's face. The only difference is I'm not a cannibal.
I just gave my old horse away so I wouldn't have to see home die of old age. If you haven't seen that, it is usually a gruesome sight. Old Smokey is an Indian horse from a small herd of Choctaw ponies that range South of here. He has carried me for many miles in the daylight and in the dark. While he was in good health, he was 21 years old and I wouldn't ride him in the mountains anymore. I gave him to a girl from church who is learning to ride and he should do well for her.

If we're worried about a lack of monitoring where horse meat goes, monitor it. Figure it out. But there has to be more humane avenues for old and lame horses to go and it might as well be an avenue that leads to some good. We used to use them for a lot of pet food in this country. That sounds pretty good to me. (Ironically while I'm typing this there is a story about some kittens that were saved on New Day) My point is that we shouldn't limit what can be done based on the "pet motivation," which seems to be what closed the slaughter houses in the first place.
I've always wanted to try horse. I heard there's a specialty shop in NYC that'll help me eat all the animals of the world.

But of course on my own terms.
My people used to eat them. I remember my grandmother talking about her parents and siblings eating them, but she said that she never could. I'm sure I would have to be starving to do so. However, even though I cringe at the idea because of the "pet motivation" effect, I still am for them re-opening the to speak.
I just gave my old horse away so I wouldn't have to see home die of old age. If you haven't seen that, it is usually a gruesome sight. Old Smokey is an Indian horse from a small herd of Choctaw ponies that range South of here. He has carried me for many miles in the daylight and in the dark. While he was in good health, he was 21 years old and I wouldn't ride him in the mountains anymore. I gave him to a girl from church who is learning to ride and he should do well for her.

If we're worried about a lack of monitoring where horse meat goes, monitor it. Figure it out. But there has to be more humane avenues for old and lame horses to go and it might as well be an avenue that leads to some good. We used to use them for a lot of pet food in this country. That sounds pretty good to me. (Ironically while I'm typing this there is a story about some kittens that were saved on New Day) My point is that we shouldn't limit what can be done based on the "pet motivation," which seems to be what closed the slaughter houses in the first place.

That's a good point. When a horse gets older we would be able to sell them off so they can give life to others, even if it's just non-horse pets.

Any way we use the meat, it should lower the price in that industry a small amount due to more supplies.......what am I saying, the top will just keep all the new extra profits anyway and the people won't see the savings.
And there is what to do about all the wild horses? The ecosystem can't support them, but we don't want to just kill them... I don't have a good answer, I wish someone did.
And there is what to do about all the wild horses? The ecosystem can't support them, but we don't want to just kill them... I don't have a good answer, I wish someone did.

Why not? I'll hunt horses, eat horse jerky and horse burgers, make horse sausage...I'm all for it. Besides it's supposed to be really good for you.
Why not? I'll hunt horses, eat horse jerky and horse burgers, make horse sausage...I'm all for it. Besides it's supposed to be really good for you.

Because we're hypocrites, and not all meat is created equal...

It's a real problem with wild horses; they can't be hunted, but they're overgrazing their range and they don't have that many natural predators. Some get adopted, but there are a lot more out there.
Because we're hypocrites, and not all meat is created equal...

It's a real problem with wild horses; they can't be hunted, but they're overgrazing their range and they don't have that many natural predators. Some get adopted, but there are a lot more out there.

Why not?

It's illegal. See my "we're hypocrites" comment.

(you can't hunt them for food; you can hunt them to round them up and give/sell to people)

They are gorgeous animals. They aren't the problem, really; the problem is humans have taken over a lot of their grazing lands AND humans eliminated a lot of their natural predators.

But now there are too many of them; it's not good. Hunting would reduce their numbers. As long as someone who shot a horse actually ate it, I don't have a huge problem with it (assuming hunting licenses are controlled so a sustainable number are left out there... there would have be rules like in any hunting about how many and when they were taken) because otherwise they will die in other ways.

But it's a shame it's gotten to this point.
It's illegal. See my "we're hypocrites" comment.

(you can't hunt them for food; you can hunt them to round them up and give/sell to people)

They are gorgeous animals. They aren't the problem, really; the problem is humans have taken over a lot of their grazing lands AND humans eliminated a lot of their natural predators.

But now there are too many of them; it's not good. Hunting would reduce their numbers. As long as someone who shot a horse actually ate it, I don't have a huge problem with it (assuming hunting licenses are controlled so a sustainable number are left out there... there would have be rules like in any hunting about how many and when they were taken) because otherwise they will die in other ways.

But it's a shame it's gotten to this point.

It's pretty easy to change that law. Hell we're about to making hunting wolves legal here in MI (well, with any luck anyways). Chances are I'll never get a license for wolves though since it'll be done like our elk lottery.
It's pretty easy to change that law. Hell we're about to making hunting wolves legal here in MI (well, with any luck anyways). Chances are I'll never get a license for wolves though since it'll be done like our elk lottery.

Wolves are not food. NEVER hunt predators; they are what keep the rest of the food chain controlled. Hunting wolves is stupid.
Unless there's a lot of them.

But she's right, you should be shipping them to us in CT. Too many deer and not enough venison.