Hope Is All Obamacare Has Left


on indefiniate mod break
I wrote on Friday that we know things are bad inside the White House because it's stopped bashing health insurers. The administration's favorite campaign punching bag is now its most valuable ally in fixing the disastrous launch of President Barack Obama's signature policy initiative.
Yesterday brought confirmation from Juliet Eilperin and Amy Goldstein of the Washington Post: The administration badly needs the insurers' help, because there’s growing concern that the exchanges simply will not be ready by the Nov. 30 deadline it set.

That's a big problem. A lot of people with private health insurance are losing their policies. This was supposed to be not so bad because they could go onto the exchanges. Only now, there are no functioning exchanges. If the exchanges aren’t working by December, those people will be in a pickle. Premiums are rising substantially in many markets. For people with incomes below 400 percent of the poverty line, subsidies were supposed to partly offset that price increase. But only policies purchased on the exchanges are eligible for subsidies.


Guys read this article, it's awesome. Obamacare is close to being fucked up the azores. Scorched earth.
