What does yodeling and failsafe have in common...
I don't know. I'm not good at these kind of guessing things.
I'll wait for someone to just post the name of the movie.
What does yodeling and failsafe have in common...
The "bad guys" had small bodies and big heads.Sorry, that didn't do it. Try again.
A little lower this time.
The "bad guys" had small bodies and big heads.
I think blowing up K street would be better.
usc, please don't say stuff like that here! I am afraid BB will have you monitored and maybe renditioned.
You got it! "Mars Attacks"..Oh, it was Nicholson in that movie, something Mars. I remember now, it was Jack Nicholson.
You got it! "Mars Attacks"..
You got it! "Mars Attacks"..
usc, please don't say stuff like that here! I am afraid BB will have you monitored and maybe renditioned.
Isn't K streeet Lobbyistville ? Or am I cornfused again ?
I made no threats on congress or any govt officials.
slimy lobbyists though can all get blown up and let god sort em out for all I care.
Many of them have been responsible for the deaths of thousands.
Blocking better health care, cheaper drugs, war machine, etc.
Yes, that is the infamous lobby row. I was just making a joke about all of the people being "monitored" according to some.
True, but still we have people who worry about losing orur privacy if we have a standard Photo ID systemWe are all being monitored on the net. Bill Moyers had a show about it. I work for a major Data net corp. It does exist.
Make no specific threats using certain words like Bush, AQ, certain names, etc.
The system grabs it out and stashes it for humans to review.
Phone calls are very easy to monitor now that we are digital trunking bewteen central offices.
Cell phones as well and they can tell where you are. How do you think the new celluar 911 locator service works?
All your banking, credit card purchases, etc.
Encryption above a certain level is strongly discouraged, and the feds have all the standard encryption keys.
There is no privacy in the world of communications and business.
I am for a standard ID system as long as it does not turn out to be a poll tax.
Which we once had in this country.
I don't consider the id system any more of an invasion of privacy than a SS number or Drivers Liscence.
You might even remember the time that they argued that the SS number would never be used as an identification number. Boy! They were wrong.It is true that the lastgreat push for Photo ID's was erroneously pushed for election purposes. Yes, I said erroneously. These could have been given out freely where necessary, and calling it a poll tax was just a ploy to defeat it.
The thing is that true Photo ID (with thumb print), would be far more effective "AND SAFE" than our present Green Cards, Credit cards, etc. the SS number is just a number and is usfull for it's purposes, but NOT as Personal Identification.
It just seems to be too "Big Brother" to me. I grew up with the fear of "Big Brother"